Example sentences of "have [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , no accounting standard-setting body in the world has recognized them as serious propositions for replacing accruals accounting .
2 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
3 However , even if they do not make the play-offs , the Chiefs have achieved a degree of respectability that has eluded them in past seasons .
4 Where properties are untenanted , Retirement Assured has valued them at open market value with vacant possession .
5 Where politicians have challenged him , he has outmanoeuvred them until such time as he perceived his work to be done ; and then — Vienna 1964 , Berlin 1989 — he simply and quickly stepped aside to move on to fresh projects .
6 Generally middle-aged , they may even have children who are working for the left-wing opposition , but their own closed environment has protected them from any understanding of the reality of their country .
7 The heart of the problem has been governments ' concern with social justice and an egalitarian distribution of income which has led them into passing legislation which has increased the costs of doing business .
8 Their diligent enforcement of the Government 's industrial laws has helped to transform the role of the trade unions ; their role as guarantors of public order has led them into bitter conflict with pickets and demonstrators .
9 For those people whose ego ideal has ruled them with especial strictness , the group situation can appear particularly attractive .
10 They could be joint bottom tomorrow if things go wrong and I know all about the Forest jinx that has haunted them in recent years .
11 He is amazed by the complex destiny which has put them before each other like this , two solid independent creatures face to face , two selves , with a common background and a common source of reference in Goethe 's Faust .
12 Yet in their own terms they seem fairly content with their lives , and they do not rail against the fate that has left them with this role .
13 She was always a busy , tidy little girl , going around the house at night making sure all the curtains were drawn and tucking up the zoo of small furry animals which crowded her bed — she has kept them to this day .
14 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
15 Although he said he 'd bought them from another dealer , the police proved he 'd been handling stolen goods .
16 They 'd found them after five days , with Sandy 's parents hammering at Ted every minute of the time .
17 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
18 I think , er you know , they 're just a , you know , if , if they were erm elm trees or something like that , or you know blackthorn trees here and you 'd taken them in this country , you 'd say , oh there 's a couple of blackthorn trees !
19 Er there 's the general insurance side which is based in Bournemouth and you may have had to contact them on previous occasions for quotations for motor and er house insurance , that sort of thing .
20 Welshman Ian Woosnam would have joined them in second place but for a double bogey at the 17th for a 73 , while Scotland 's Colin Montgomerie is tucked in just behind after finishing four over par .
21 And why not have placed them for safe keeping in a pocket , satchel or valise ?
22 The turbulence will have carried them over different paths .
23 It turned out that she did n't realise they were down , but thinks she must have pushed them into that position when dropping the ribber .
24 Frederica said obviously that the sky and the sea and the boats were uncannily like Van Gogh , and Hodgkiss said that of course they would never have seen them in this way before he saw them .
25 Now to be honest if they had come to us first we would have got them into another union the t&gwu or ACTT but having said that , one thing we should knock on the head straight away .
26 Most fishermen operating in offshore waters will have to use the devices immediately ; those fishing inshore or using smaller boats will have to use them within two years .
27 An especially clear example is in the fabliau Boivin de Provins , in which the hero , Boivin , having deluded a household of whores into providing him with a meal and a girl for free , and having set them at each other 's throats , goes off to tell the provost of the town the tale , who in turn spreads the tale around , producing much mirth and laughter .
28 But whalers could have enlightened them in this respect , for they knew that whales possessed acute hearing , the constant ‘ twittering ’ of the White whale even earning it the name of the sea canary .
29 It could be only a very moderate charge , in the darkness , since any gallop could have put them into dire trouble over unseen obstacles , whinbushes , ditches and the like .
30 with , he 'd have put them on one side and said
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