Example sentences of "have [verb] at [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gedge has seen at first-hand the reactions of people who have come into contact with the group .
2 Moreover , the ‘ transition to democracy ’ has occurred at exactly the time when the international economic crisis was making its presence felt with greatest intensity .
3 In the modern world , sport has become at once a symbol of supposed supremacy , a means of keeping healthy , an opiate for the hopeless and the unemployed , an excuse for jingoism , and perhaps most of all , a source of considerable income .
4 This brief survey has provided at least a taste of current applications of mathematics and computers in the service of museums and archaeology .
5 The growth rates of productivity in Japanese manufacturing have consistently outstripped those of its major economic rivals over the past quarter century and output per worker has increased at twice the rate recorded in other OECD states .
6 He must have come at least a mile across the fields and climbed over a stock-proof fence . ’
7 On the Saturdays I would scrub the kitchen floor , black and polish the kitchen grate , and polish the knives , so that my mother could have a little rest on her return from several hours cleaning , sometimes having to walk at least a mile to her regular place of work .
8 Shildon-born Mr Jackson said : ‘ To be a good instructor you must have had at least a season 's skiing on snow and if you want to get basic qualifications you would be charged around £3,000 . ’
9 Well they 'll probably have to put at least the bone in there , it 's a bone graft .
10 Although she was two or three inches shorter than Charlie , she must have weighed at least a stone more than he did ; a genuine heavyweight .
11 We only had two days on Fregate and I could easily have spent at least a week .
12 And it can be done on the morning after the end of the previous month , whereas manually our gentleman on the tall stool might have spent at least a week preparing it , and getting them out , and that 's a week that you have n't got your money in .
13 Each tag will have to hold at least the information : This will mean that the few home addresses or home buckets which have large numbers of synonyms will have to allocate a lot of space for these tags .
14 But before he 's even fit enough to be flown home , doctors say he 'll have to spend at least a fortnight in hospital .
15 From the early days , the children destined for university would have acquired at least the rudiments of Greek and perhaps even a little Hebrew : books in all three languages had been left to the School by William Nicholson , the Master , in 1597 .
16 But what was the bottom income line above which recipients can be presumed to have enjoyed at least the modicum of comfort above subsistence and simple " decency " ?
17 His best-known work , Tetbury church , Gloucestershire ( 1777–81 ) , is one of the most elegant examples of late eighteenth-century Gothic and was widely admired at the time , the poet William Mason [ q.v. ] , for example , commenting that it gave him ‘ the very highest opinion ’ of Hiorne 's ‘ Gothic taste ’ ; and his approach to Gothic design also appears to have embraced at least the rudiments of scholarship as well as its decorative appeal .
18 yeah , no , not that we come back to that in a moment or to , I 'm just trying to see where this leads us though Mr , erm as a matter of legal analysis , erm y-y-y- your complaint , one particular one we 're talking about is that erm these standard , these are standard degrees which offend the competition rules now if it , if that 's right would not the consequence by erm across the ball , you 're saying you only , you only would render them invalid in so far as they happen to do any , happened to have done any particular name of , er that , I ca n't think , it did n't seem to be in any of the erm cases we 've looked at where the competition rules were applied , but that was a necessary condition if , if , if it 's that if it 's void , if people have suffered a loss as a result of it they can recover a lost , you do n't have to show a loss do you in order to , to , to be declared void
19 He would have been happier if the Latin American had made at least a pretence at attempting to beat him down on the charter price .
20 A Labour Party survey found that in the year up to August 1987 the price of a school meal in primary schools had risen at twice the rate of inflation , and this had resulted in a reduction in the number of children taking school meals .
21 Bush 's sequence of 35 consecutive vetoes , all upheld in Congress , ended on Oct. 5 in relation to a bill to re-regulate the cable television industry , where charges had risen at twice the rate of inflation since deregulation in 1984 .
22 Erm , I would have to say that 's going to be in the range of five hundred to six hundred , and very much depends to some extent on what happens in the winter months , and I 'm sorry to keep stressing this point , but we have n't yet got twelve months ' experience of operating this particular change , and until we 've got at least a year 's experience , and I think one would have to say , that some of the figures need to be portioned , but equally , you ca n't afford to be too cavalier in terms of your assumptions about that demand might reduce to , and I 'll touch a little later on how you control expenditure in those terms .
23 He 's a good motivator , has endeared himself to the players and if they 're on your side as a manager you 've got at least a fighting chance .
24 I imagine we 've got at least an hour before any more humans come , and it 's not a lot different to a truck . ’
25 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
26 With regard to husbands voting as proxy for their wives , the government had wanted at least the wife 's written authorization to be necessary , but the deputies voted to retain the existing stipulation that the proxy voter must present the family registration book .
27 She had to get her hands back on the reins , had to re-establish at least a degree of control over her own life .
28 In the past , many of those with a responsibility for encouraging good governance have shown at least an absence of discouragement to management excesses .
29 erm I 've always believed that consistency is an overrated virtue so I 'm not gon na criticise the Conservatives for changing their minds but you have to ask yourself why is this recorded on the agenda today when the sub-committee , planning sub- committee has already met and discussed these matters and things have moved on a little further Well we we really have to look at how the resolution in this paragraph came about in the first place .
30 All have spent at least a year abroad in France or Germany , usually as assistants .
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