Example sentences of "have [verb] for [pos pn] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Carson had only just put the phone down after trying to get Alison 's number from Enquiries , but as he 'd waited for his call to be taken he 'd thought of her , perhaps contemptuous of his anxiety and annoyed by his persistence , and he 'd hung up without even making his request .
2 I do not mean decent Conservative values like the Citizen 's Charter or dreaming of the classless city ; I mean authentic Conservative values , like a social hierarchy in which power follows the rich who do not have to answer for their acts to hoi polloi , in which we do not have to feel responsible for anyone 's poverty or ill health , in which we do not have to ask questions about where the rich get their money from , and we can carve up the land to create a sort of apartheid state : each tribe to its own homeland .
3 The exhilaration of not having to account for my movements to my parents went to my head .
4 Eagle argued that Mr Ferriday had arranged for its money to be used to satisfy his obligations under the sub-underwriting arrangements that Savory Milln had entered into in circumstances in which Savory Milln ought to have known or been put on inquiry that the money had been misappropriated from Eagle .
5 Until a few weeks ago skin patients had to go for their treatment to the old dermatology hospital in this old TB ward , while research was carried out in a couple of temporary buildings .
6 In some cases it meant helping families who had applied for their children to be taken into care to find an alternative solution .
7 There was a legend that Lord 's ancestors had suffered for their allegiance to the Jacobite cause and had had their lands sequestered , forcing William Lord to work as a labourer .
8 I had been bred to regard the Jews as a people of the Book , who had suffered for their devotion to one God .
9 ( Elsewhere , another angry gentleman of the period , Evelyn Waugh , had waited for his children to be of an age to converse with him , before taking an interest . )
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