Example sentences of "have [verb] to the [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 At the moment , under English law , data is not property , and damage or theft has to relate to the medium on which it is stored .
2 China has belonged to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) since 1981 but has previously not enforced its provisions .
3 The dancing stopped , and while those who 'd travelled to the all-dayer on coaches from Brighton , Hereford , Nottingham , Northampton , Leeds and Sheffield looked bemused at the sound of the King , the West Midlands regulars looked straight to Dermot Ryan , one of the three brothers behind promotions company Chuff Chuff .
4 ‘ Well , let's say that I 've heard of married blokes who always had to go to the office on Saturdays , and it usually was n't office work they were doing .
5 The United States had a strong direct interest in seeing that Britain did not try to solve its payments problems [ in ways which ] would have added to the burden on the United States .
6 The Tzarina Katarin is the current ruler of her warlike race , having succeeded to the throne on the death of her father the Tzar Bokha .
7 The manufacturer may have sold to the wholesaler on the basis that he would not be responsible for any claims for defective quality .
8 Mr Balladur , aware that these accusations may have contributed to the suicide on May 1st of the former prime minister , Pierre Bérégovoy , has been careful not to repeat them .
9 Did n't know why Summerchild should have gone to the Admiralty on the morning of June 24th , but his work was related to conditions of employment in the Civil Service and involved liaison with other departments , so nothing particularly surprising about it …
10 It was held that the seller could not recover any of the price since the buyer was no longer the owner of either of the cars , the ownership having reverted to the seller on the resale .
11 Because of the now universal use in England of the Historical year system , it is normal for reference books to mark events of all kinds which happened between 1 January and 24 March in any one year with a double indicator — thus King Henry V may be judged to have come to the throne on 21 March 1412/13 , that is 1412 by Annunciation reckoning , but 1413 by Historical ( now conventional ) reckoning .
12 Sgt. Deacon left on 13 May for Mersa Matruh in Hurricane V7771 , the same aircraft he had flown to the island on 29 January .
13 Once you were promoted you had to go to the bar on first entering the mess and drink a pint of whatever drink you designated without taking your lips from the glass .
14 Entire families too had travelled to the station on bicycles … bicycles that were now parked untidily by the diamond woodwork of the station-yard fence .
15 After all James was of the Stewart dynasty , so called because his ancestor Robert had been High Steward of Scotland , and had succeeded to the throne on the death of David II in 1371 .
16 King Olav V , who had succeeded to the throne on Sept. 21 , 1957 [ see p. 15769 ] , died on Jan. 17 after a heart attack , at the age of 87 .
17 This was our first note of encouragement and we were thankful for it , as we had come to the Island on a delicate mission and we needed support .
18 One in particular caught his attention : a blonde couple by the name of Jensen , Norwegians , who had sailed to the island on their 16 — foot boat along with their young son , Axel .
19 The Eugenics Society , with about 800 fellows and members in 1938–39 , was deeply concerned , and had moved to the left on the issue of educational reform as a result .
20 Growing pressure from the government 's fundamentalist ally , the Jamaat-i-Islami , fuelled reports that it had contributed to the appointment on March 3 of Lt.-Gen.
21 Kaifu had proposed to the Diet on Sept. 11 that controls on political donations should be tightened ; that political parties should receive public subsidies ; and , most importantly , that Japan 's electoral system of multi-member constituencies should be replaced by a hybrid system in which 300 Diet members would be appointed from single-seat constituencies and another 171 by a process of proportional representation from party lists .
22 when it said the bottles had stuck to the blood on the carpet ?
23 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
24 Second , other employees who had gone to the canteen on commencing a shift had not been dismissed and none of them knew that they risked that penalty .
25 A building society challenged the validity of transitional provisions in the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 by which it had to pay to the revenue on specified quarterly dates the tax in respect of dividends and interest it had paid to its members .
26 Israel , whose new ambassador in Washington had complained to the press on February 14th that America was giving Israel the ‘ runaround ’ on housing aid for Soviet immigrants ( the administration wanted to be sure that $400m in loan guarantees , now agreed , would not be used to settle immigrants in the West Bank ) .
27 She said the house had been damp for a year and she had complained to the council on numerous occasions .
28 The President would be a candidate for re-election , as would Miguel Trouvoada , Prime Minister from independence in 1975 until 1979 [ see pp. 27265 ; 30028 ] , who had returned to the country on May 30 after spending 10 years in exile in France .
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