Example sentences of "have [verb] the same [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , has adopted the same position as his predecessors , Sir Geoffrey Howe and Mr John Major , insisting that the deportations are an essential deterrent against a fresh influx of Vietnamese next year .
2 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
3 The Stick has got the same range as the piano and I can jump four octaves with one hand .
4 has experienced the same thing as we all have .
5 Where the causes are successive and the second defendant 's breach of duty has caused the same damage as that of the first defendant , the but for test will exonerate the second defendant .
6 This is the 11th edition of the book first published in 1953 and has retained the same structure as the original .
7 I 'd used the same plan as the previous day , but must have forgotten to change persons on board from two to one — dickhead !
8 The writer writes out of his own wounds and in doing so he enables his reader to experience emotional change , emotional growth , healing without having to suffer the same fate as his character .
9 Otherwise he might have suffered the same fate as Sheila Brayford .
10 Had the Republican candidate in 1980 been an ideologue , he would have suffered the same fate as Barry Goldwater in 1964 ; if , by some fluke , he had been elected , he would have been denied cooperation by congress and would have been drummed out of office in 1984 .
11 You will still have turned the same amount as before , that is 180° .
12 ‘ In a subsequent editorial the newspaper fiercely attacked the CPS decision … and questioned whether the CPS would have made the same decision if the woman had been a black girl caught in exactly the same way on Broadwater Farm .
13 She realized that she might have made the same mistake as Joan Durbeyfield .
14 You would have to be a professional cobbler-up of sit-coms to give much credence to the available scenarios , but just in case , I suppose they are that : a ) the tests were so incompetently performed that even a baboon 's sample would have produced the same reading as was clocked by the three athletes identically ; b ) the three runners were having a joke at the testers ' expense ; c ) the German trio was deliberately testing the vigilance of the drug monitors at a relatively out-of-the-way venue , for reasons of their own ; d ) that the samples were not urine at all but a draught of refreshing Lucozade , tested in error .
15 In theory an excise on home production of tobacco could have produced the same revenue as a tax on imports but in practice it took a strong and efficient government to levy an excise , while almost any government could find private businessmen who would pay a lump sum of cash in return for the right to collect the official rates of customs duties at a port .
16 Therefore the woman , not having had the same training as a man can not possibly demand the same wage ; also not being physically as strong , she can not compete with him where heavy lifting is required .
17 Never having shown the same propensity as the French for violent revolution , the dispossessed have entered into a complex ritual of action within the processes of the criminal justice system , and in doing so have encouraged those tasked with their containment to consider them as being less than human and therefore needing further control and discipline .
18 He should have had the same chance as them , Church or no Church . ’
19 This would not have had the same meaning as it has today for the term park originally meant land enclosed to keep beasts for hunting or ornamental purposes .
20 I could n't have got the same effect if I 'd fictionalised them . ’
21 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
22 I fear it may have gone the same way as Honest John 's other great idea , the hard ecu .
23 He would have posed the same question if he had been sitting in her position .
24 If it had n't been for Arthur Billstock , I would probably have taken the same road as Mark .
25 Any traveller would have taken the same route as I did .
26 ‘ I 'd had one drink but I would have taken the same stand if I had n't had a drink at all .
27 A borough might not have covered the same area as a township , and a parish might have been something completely different .
28 The newsreader would have achieved the same effect if he had suddenly broke into song .
29 Erm first of all er would you , if er if you became Euro candidate er the unequivocally support the objectors to this motorway and secondly , would it be an embarrassment to you having to take the same line as Gary on the matter .
30 As the spend over the three years will be more than that — last year 's spend was £17 million and I expect this year 's to be £25 million , making a total of £42 million — I suppose that I could give my hon. Friend the assurance that he seeks , but even if our figures were so way out that I could be caught on that commitment , when I consider the matter next May — assuming that the burden still falls to me to do so — I would have to make the same calculation as I made this year .
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