Example sentences of "have [verb] at the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They give us a highly detailed picture of the initial occupational spread of graduates , and the extent to which they enter occupations which are cognate with their degree ( the mere number of type of work categories is a rather crude measure ; one has to look at the actual headings ) .
2 One only has to look at the diminishing casts in productions all over the country .
3 A cold fury has snatched at the little edges
4 Having looked at the various definitions of money supply , section 16.3 goes on to consider what causes the money supply to change .
5 Having looked at the various strategies for using options it is now time to look at the valuation of options .
6 Many a display organiser and participant would have looked at the prevailing conditions , shrugged shoulders and turned away from the problem , presented a ‘ weather-out ’ show to the paying public .
7 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
8 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
9 She would have to look at the local papers .
10 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
11 Benny had looked at the cream-coloured blouses and soft pink angora sweaters .
12 We 've looked at the different types of stress , what is happening to you when you 're stressed .
13 The new possibilities of sound had been suggested by the great success of that ‘ gabby ’ medium the radio which was now helping to give American actuality a new urgency and also by the Broadway stage where the great success of Hecht and MacArthur 's The Front Page had hinted at the dramatic possibilities of ordinary everyday dialogue .
14 Blood trickled down his calves where , while writing , he had clawed at the cracking patches on his legs .
15 Her skin seemed to glow , and she discovered she only had to smile at the male members of the staff and they were immediately more friendly .
16 Fast motion can be used to express erotic tension and desire , if the purpose is comic rather than romantic — if we had laughed at the romantic yearnings of Cecile or even Frankie , the film would be failing , even though the treatment of these themes is throughout as much comic as tragic — ‘ bitter-sweet ’ seems to be the compound word , or better still the mot juste is ‘ douce-amère ’ .
17 Croatia and Slovenia proceeded during October with steps to dissociate themselves from federal Yugoslav arrangements , refusing to extend beyond Oct. 7 the three-month moratoriums on implementing their independence declarations to which both had agreed at the Brioni talks in July [ see p. 38374 ] .
18 The verderers had arrived at the tumbled stones soon after the moon rose .
19 Presently he was there , he had arrived at the wooden planks and the criss-crossed supports of the bridge .
20 Within a year Labour was recapturing some of the political ground which it had lost at the local elections in November 1931 .
21 We have looked at the different types of land and seen roughly what could be done with them .
22 Therapist : ‘ Now we have looked at the physical symptoms and the thoughts that accompany them , let's now look at how anxiety effects your behaviour .
23 We ha we have to look at the environmental consequences , you stick a barrage that size across erm a large er river system you 've got to ask what happens upstream erm and of course Bristol for example is a port , how to get the ships in and out is another problem but er these are being considered at the moment and there 's quite a lot of mo money going into , into studies but no commitment yet as to actually , to actually build it .
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