Example sentences of "have [verb] the [noun] for some " in BNC.

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1 The Department of Health has cultivated the myth for some years that section 118 of the Medicines Act is the only reason why it is prevented from explaining the decisions of the licensing authority in general or the recommendations of the Committee on Safety of Medicines , based on doctors ' reports of adverse reactions , in particular .
2 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
3 Informants in all the schools perceived the project as having provoked more general awareness of study skills as an issue , and as having stimulated the need for some kind of response .
4 It may be too that in the lower regions of society women were freer to find at least part-time employment : the distaff provided occupation for almost all , and even if the invention of the spinning wheel may have reduced the opportunities for some , it enormously increased those of others .
5 This had not been appreciated by the defendants ' chairman who had considered the advertisement for some 5 to 10 minutes before approving it , but who had not sufficiently thought through the implications of it .
6 After we had admired the panorama for some time in silence , I said , ‘ It 's lovely , is n't it ? ’
7 She had known the truth for some time by then more or less , and the legal position , but had never quite managed to have it out with her mother .
8 I had known the family for some years as I had been Mrs Singh 's English tutor on a local authority adult literacy programme .
9 He had asked the hotel for some black coffee before they set off and the management , knowing he was a doctor and that their sudden departure had something to do with his wife 's health , had been accommodating .
10 In fact he had telegraphed the Informer for some expenses ‘ to entertaining priest ’ , and , bewildered by this unusual demand , the editor had wired back money .
11 BELVILLE : I have had the mortification for some weeks past to come home to a very different Pamela than I used to .
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