Example sentences of "have [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Fletcher said : ‘ Our batting department has let us down in both Tests , although everyone has been working hard on their game and how to combat their spinners on turning pitches .
2 Mine has served me well for many years .
3 Peter Williams , the Salford centre , has been told that the shoulder injury which has kept him out for much of this season will need at least another week to heal .
4 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
5 His tone suggested he 'd caught her out in some minor misdemeanour , Loretta thought angrily — putting penny coins in a parking meter , or dodging fares on the underground .
6 Now that I 'd seen them together like that I started to have fantasies of being invited to watch them together , or to take photographs of them .
7 Because he 'd pulled him back like that , stopped him from doing what he wanted , he was going to have one of his screaming fits .
8 Since that afternoon two days ago they 'd treated each other with a cool formality , a style initiated by Roman on the return trip from the Blue Grotto , when he 'd seemed to withdraw into a kind of amused reserve , as if he 'd tested her out in some way and now lost interest in the original conquest .
9 We 've had to set it up like that , because sometimes people working late would like to pick up calls , expecting a call , or pick up calls on a different handset , .
10 I mean , I have n't had to clean it out at all .
11 and erm , they were absolutely chocker , they were really full and he said erm , I sa , he said he had n't had to fill them up at all in all the time that it 's been running , and no , I asked him if he had any enquiries and nobody stopped him and asked anything about it , and then he turned to the other lad who was beside him the sales assistant and he said no I 've had no enquiries at all , so that was it .
12 ‘ Had the care manager stuck to the initial referral alone , which was for respite care , she would have sorted them out for that , and that would have been it . ’
13 I could not have opened it then in any case , for that would have been a physical impossibility — tempting though the picture is of the evil creature on the other side of the door getting a well-deserved spasm of slimy stomach bile heaved right up into his florid and trendily moustachioed face .
14 I think we must have bunged it up with some gunge !
15 It 's such a bizarre thing , sliding an object over guitar strings — I mean , who would have figured it out without some kind of influence ?
16 Who would have figured it out without some kind of influence ? ’
17 Do they have to hack them about like that ? ’
18 Should have finished them off in that first
19 ‘ I 'll have to ring you back on that
20 You wo n't have put it out like that .
21 ‘ But something else must have started you off on this search .
22 ‘ They would n't have left it behind in such a contemptuous fashion , ’ said Golding .
23 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
24 I 'd have to ask him again about that .
25 Note how the horns , in the final chord , complete the harmony of the rest of the brass where it threatens to sound thin , having doubled it up to that point .
26 Well Mark you 'll have to make it up to some other time .
27 Gandhi claims to have practised ahi sā throughout most of his life and to have applied it successfully in all walks of life .
28 It must be serious , to have brought you out on that TV-type chase ?
29 She began to wonder if the woman who had sent the box-message had tricked her here into this dead-end room .
30 I 've pointed it out on many occasions .
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