Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 We move to Croydon in Surrey now , Mrs E has written to us from Croydon , Elizabeth .
2 Claire , 18 , has slept in it since June
3 They 'd looked at it on Sunday .
4 ‘ Poor cow , ’ he 'd said to her about Eleanor , ‘ she thinks she 's going to get something out of me .
5 ‘ You 'll have to come with me to Auckland for three days , Rachel . ’
6 ‘ We could have done with you in Afghanistan . ‘
7 But Crilly says he needs the money he should have gotten for them in Dublin .
8 Hay also knows the strength and weaknesses of Hammy McMillan 's Stranraer , the holders , having played alongside him for Scotland .
9 And having spoken to her on Saturday when she came along to the energy conservation stall I intend to invite her if it 's alright with the meeting to our next meeting which is on the ninth of February to discuss how the Greens can help how the University Greens can help us with that demonstration .
10 Bernard Seyburn would be pleased to hear from anyone who may have served with him in Singapore .
11 You must have read about him in Flann O'Brien 's book , At Swim-Two-Birds .
12 Amdahl , Fujitsu , Hyundai , ICL , LSI , Matsushita , Philips , Ross Technology , Sun Microsystems Labs and Texas Instruments are said to have collaborated on it since March of last year as a team reportedly independent of their affiliations .
13 Both Albert Cavalcanti , the onetime head of the GPO Film Unit whose Brazilian origins had made him unacceptable as a civil servant , and Watt joined the tight group of filmmakers Balcon had gathered round him at Ealing .
14 Ever since my mother had explained to me at Culloden Moor long ago that the English and the Scots were different peoples , I had been intensely proud of my Scottish origins and of Scotland 's history as an independent nation .
15 She had explained to him about Flora , thinking that his undoubtedly benevolent heart would be touched .
16 Franco had spotted this possibility at an early stage : on arrival in Tetuán , he had authorized Luis Bolín ( who had travelled with him from Casablanca ) to purchase aircraft and armaments in Italy , Germany or Britain .
17 And the King believed what they said , and was wroth against the Cid , having no love towards him because of the oath which he had pressed upon him at Burgos concerning the death of King Don Sancho his brother .
18 He wanted to find Mr Brownlow , the kind old man who had looked after him in London .
19 At that time I knew very little about Montaigne : but Eliot had come to him through Shakespeare and the influences upon Shakespeare ( who must have read the Apologie de Raymond Sebond ) ; and , as he said in his essay on Pascal , Montaigne 's outlook is the only credible alternative to that of belief .
20 Bracken Cottage , which had come to her on Elise 's death , was all very well , but living out in one of the Sherwood Forest villages would have entailed long rush-hour drives twice a day , and already Merrill had gathered that Luke Travis was n't the sort of man to take kindly to excuses about traffic-jams .
21 Abraham was accepted by God in virtue of what Christ would do upon the cross by bearing the curse of the broken law upon his representative shoulders : men living after the cross could be accepted by God as they put their trust in what God had done for them through Jesus .
22 The two brothers went back into the Guild Office , and Ebenezer began to gasp and splutter , telling his story as best he could : what Florrie had said to him about Tom 's letter and what Tom had threatened to do … .
23 Ludens had not forgotten what Marcus had said to him about Irina .
24 " A charming man , " Aunt Alicia had written to her in America , " has become my tenant .
25 I had written to him in Edinburgh when he was in Belgium , to Belgium when he was in France and to France the very moment he arrived back in Edinburgh .
26 She followed him with her eyes as he walked with Emmie to the gate , very neat and spruce in the white Terylene shirt and blue shorts she had bought for him at Harrods .
27 Benny had picked up Eve 's handbag , a small cheap plastic one which Mother Francis had bought for her in Peggy Pine 's shop as a going-to-Dublin present a few weeks ago .
28 She had talked to me about Tom and Oliver , but only , it seemed , because she thought my children were all I was likely to be interested in .
29 He did not need any encouragement at all , as she had discovered when she had lunched with him on Tuesday .
30 ‘ Valerie , ’ the editor of the Mail on Sunday said to me once , after I had filed a neat and convincing piece on an earthquake the ground had trembled beneath me in Rome , where Lou was playing with the London Symphonic and a wall had fallen on top of me and trapped me for two hours — ‘ you are the mistress of controlled reportage .
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