Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because star formation and hence the formation of neutron stars by supernova collapse in NGC6342 ceased long ago , the apparent youth of the pulsar suggests that a major event has occurred at some time during the last 10Myr .
2 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
3 He regretted that his proposal for a peace conference a year ago had not been acted upon , as he was confident the Soviet Union would have participated at that time with beneficial effects for the whole world .
4 Having gorged for some time on the sweet taste of the ‘ knowledge ’ available from large British institutions , those trained in the ‘ Fine Arts ’ emit an acrid belch of superiority on the subject of their craft .
5 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
6 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
7 In one corner of the tower lay the bell which had fallen at some time in the past .
8 It had not been as he had dreamed at that time with the beloved of his youth : fame and glory , honour and victory .
9 Elisha was the man that God had equipped for that time in history , in that land , and for the specific needs of individual people around him .
10 Our review of the surveillance programme had three distinct goals : ( a ) to obtain full follow up of all patients who had participated at any time in the surveillance programme ; ( b ) to identify any other patients , who attended the department over this time and who should have been recruited into the surveillance programme ; and ( c ) to identify all cases of colonic carcinoma occurring in association with ulcerative colitis presenting to the department over this period .
11 As the official investigation got under way , there were allegations that senior US officials had known for some time of BNL 's dealings with Iraq .
12 A splinter group of the NPFL , led by Prince Yormie Johnson , had emerged by this time as a separate and important force .
13 Mary Alston , one of the mainstays of the women 's union in the 1920s , had to care during this time for a sick sister , who was in and out of a nursing home ; much later , in the 1940s , she had to give up work for a while to care for her mother .
14 Plans for the extension of the war in Vietnam had existed for some time in the Pentagon .
15 A sophisticated burglar-alarm system has aided overnight and weekend security and although the caretaker is not on call from 11am to 3.30pm the levels of demand have fallen during this time as a direct result of his monitoring skills .
16 A further consequence of having time zones is that , when we travel we have to adjust to local time in the new time zone .
17 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
18 You therefore get an increasing tangle of bureaucratic instructions which seek to legislate for an endless series of unlikely events which have occurred at some time in the organization 's past .
19 I am delighted to have heard anything worthwhile by Schillings , whose music I have known for some time in piano-vocal scores but have not encountered in performance .
20 It will be a very low level of inflation , lower than we have known at any time in recent years , and steady sustainable growth leading to secure jobs , sustaining the Conservative party in government for many years .
21 One practice we have followed for some time in mid-week housegroups is to follow up and apply further what has been taught on Sunday .
22 We have waited for some time for any scheme , let alone one that would justify being called better than the proposals of 1979 .
23 Modest chain-link fences have existed for some time in the border cities of El Paso and Brownsville , Texas .
24 Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives , and have been able to stick to the new regime quite rigidly for a little while .
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