Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 It is usually noticeable that when a masochist has for years felt hard done by , often over-controlled by their partner , and then for some reason the tables are turned , he or she metes out punishment as if this has to go on for the same length of time that the masochist 's suffering was endured .
2 If they are to be more than mere training , then a process of informed reflection has to go on at the same time .
3 For their tickets , and I said at the area council if they had turned up like they turned up to pay them thirty pound and eight pound , if they 'd turned up at the same time with a petition form what a difference it would
4 What the addition of democracy to the liberal state did was simply to provide constitutional channels for popular pressures , pressures to which governments would have had to yield in about the same measure anyway , merely to maintain public order and avoid revolution .
5 So in a sense , although I have n't recorded in the meantime , I st I still would have ended up in the same place .
6 This man and my father had joined up on the same day , they went to the same school , played football together , both courted my mother and both fell in love with her — and she ended up marrying them both .
7 that are grumbling cos they 've come down , but really they 've come down to the same level as
8 If it had come out at the same time , it would have been submerged , and if it had come out afterwards it would have been seen as merely reactive .
9 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
10 Fei was not a native of the community that he studied ( the village of Kaihsienkung , in the Yangtze Delta , about 1 25 miles south-west of Shanghai ) , but he had grown up in the same district so that he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect .
11 The agreement by the County Council to transfer St. Peter 's to the minister was not without irony — the Ministry of Health had grown out of the same succession of poor laws which had produced both the institution and , indeed , local government itself .
12 It was a torture which was part of the school 's underground mythology , but something he assumed had died out at the same time as the belief that bullying was inevitable , harmless and good for the victim 's character .
13 But I 've copied over to the same place , what it seems to be doing provided the cell pointed out , you 're looking at the top left .
14 Charles kept remembering what Micky Banks had gone through at the same stage , and often , like his predecessor , was ready to throw in the towel and say it was impossible .
15 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
16 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
17 the people that have left are sort of in the recession and that now , there 's all the really big business people and that that have come down to the same level as everybody else .
18 So you 'll always know that , if your salary 's gone up by the same level , whenever you claim , it 's gon na be the same percentage as it was today .
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