Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Waking in our bed one morning , we 'll hear a chorus of trills and cheeps ; fun has come back to cluster in the branches of the tree outside our window .
2 In fact , liberal or not , she has come back to work for the ANC , though her exact capacity is not made clear .
3 To my knowledge there has been no research that has set out to study from the start how far a child 's attachment to a new family or carer is impeded or not or whether ‘ the child 's personality will be damaged ’ where a birth parent or relative keeps contact whilst the child is with psychological parents .
4 Frances Viner , who both directs and designs , has set out to look at the ‘ feminine ’ qualities of the play and its spiritual nature .
5 If he was the sole breadwinner , you may have to go out to work for the first time .
6 Had B lost on the question of law in the Court of Appeal , it is practically inconceivable that the court would not have gone on to deal with the remaining points of appeal .
7 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
8 They 've come along to talk about the Services for Industry programme , and what the University can offer local firms .
9 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
10 ‘ Let me invite you to dinner in an hour , ’ said George , ‘ and ’ — this was addressed to Mrs Robinson , who had crept in to stand in the doorway and hear the end of the story , and now stepped forward to play a part — ‘ please , let us borrow your daughter for the evening so that we four can be a company .
11 John and wife Pam had written off to appear on the programme only to discover there were 10,000 applicants .
12 A great wedge of MacIans had driven in to cut off the Macleans ' attacking force ; the few men left fighting by the ships had neither time nor numbers to relaunch them .
13 Our engineer friends had collected crusty rolls from the dining room and , after a few drinks themselves , had set out to experiment with the sea-gulls ' capacity for whiskey .
14 The Tories had broadly accepted ‘ Attlee 's consensus ’ , although Churchill was already critical of ‘ socialist bureaucracy ’ and ‘ loss-making nationalised industries ’ and his party promised a further relaxation of wartime controls on workers , consumers and private capital ; the Labour leadership had basically achieved what they had set out to achieve in the initial round of nationalisation and formation of the National Health Service and had no new radical project to present to their working class supporters , while the broader ‘ labour movement ’ in the country was not unified around any radical demands for further government action .
15 The stopper was missing and the brandy had trickled out to soak into the sisal matting which covered the floor .
16 Since the advent of Felicity , she had gone up to sleep in the attic — an arrangement she preferred , as she had absolute privacy up there , and as luck would have it , there was an electric fire , so that she could use it as a study .
17 One woman described how she had gone back to work after the death of her husband , determined to be brave .
18 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
19 The boys had gone out to play on the forestry tracks with their new bikes on what had proved a bright but cold day ; Mary had got three hours ' sleep before they came back , noisily demanding to be fed .
20 We had to like tell her about five times so they knew it was n't our room as we like took this guy in it was like books , everything was , there was so much crap on the floor , we had to get through to get to the radiator so that our next door neighbour could try and like stop it from leaking .
21 The windows to either side had been thrown wide as well , and the ends of the tattered old curtains had blown out to hang over the sills .
22 This allows you to make a more considered approach than a telephone call and to use the job matching list you have drawn up to bring to the employer 's attention the reasons why you are suitable for the job and why you should be seen for interview .
23 You only have to look around to assent to the truth of this bitter observation : contamination is the norm , corruption is the accepted social lubricant , deceit the everyday fuel , whether in the intimacy of personal relationships or in the public arena of the affairs of state .
24 ‘ He could , of course , from the son 's own appearance , have deduced that the father must be at least in his late sixties or seventies and he could , of course , have called in to talk to the father personally when he drove round to have a look at the property .
25 Around the harbour , fishermen 's tavernas still jostle side by side with the newer cafés and bars which have sprung up to cater for the younger market , and the main daytime activity seems to be relaxing over a quiet glass of something while watching the boats chug in and out .
26 This part of the city lacks the individual character of Robyn 's own suburb , where healthfood stores and sportswear boutiques and alternative bookshops have sprung up to cater for the students and liberal-minded yuppies who live there ; and still more does it lack the green amenities of the residential streets around the University .
27 Rabobank NV and Amsterdam-based Getronics NV have teamed up to bid for the second Dutch Groupe Speciale Mobile digital cellular licence .
28 She 's gone down to pay for the , get something out of the boot outside .
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