Example sentences of "have [verb] [to-vb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 NORMAN Riddell , the chief executive of Capital House , the fund management arm of the Royal Bank of Scotland , has resigned to take up a similar position at Invesco-MIM .
2 Although Liz Cole-Hamilton , 41 , has worked throughout her marriage , she has now decided that the time has come to take on a new challenge .
3 The Lord Chancellor originally intended that lenders should be self-regulating , but since publishing the white paper he has decided to set up a new Authorised Conveyancing Practitioners ' Board , with consumer representatives , to police lenders offering conveyancing services .
4 The Transport Secretary has decided to set up a new rail pension scheme to safeguard their interests .
5 The Dutch government has helped to set up a national halons " bank " to ensure the most effective use of the chemicals .
6 At Guy 's Hospital the poisons unit has had to set up a psychiatric liaison service to help such patients .
7 I have since asked my constituent for an update of the position and she has confirmed that the family has had to put in a good deal more extra money to finance both daughters than it had previously expected .
8 Karl Gesner has had to swallow quite a few blows to his ego over the last few days .
9 The Department of the Environment has agreed to set up a second air pollution monitoring station at Longlands College , Middlesbrough .
10 Already the opposition has united to set up a working group on immigration , with a view to formulating a new bill .
11 Scottish Roman Catholic priest James Morrow has pledged to take out a private prosecution for murder against the doctors .
12 Further research has failed to turn up a single firm IBM Corp mainframe deal for this quarter anywhere across Europe , and the disk business is not going to save any IBM bacon either : word in leasing circles is that users are so averse to buying new disks that prices of used 3380Ks have risen by some 25% .
13 An inquest has failed to establish how a twenty six year old barman came to be found dead in his flat .
14 The Dowty group has failed to fight off a hostile bid by T-I , one of Britain 's largest engineering firms .
15 According to Milan Ramljak , President of the five-man Croatian Commission and lecturer in law at Zagreb University , in spite of the war and the absence of any help from the Federal Commission , Croatia has managed to collect together a large file of evidence , including soil sample analyses which may be significant when they can be compared with analyses of the treasure and the cauldron in which it was found .
16 One of the region 's independent breweries has managed to fight off a hostile takeover bid — at least for the time being .
17 I 'd expected to last only a few minutes before my first ducking but the gentle wind was perfect for getting used to the moves .
18 I 'd helped to start up a mixed-sex Lancaster Gay Switchboard and learned a lot from radical faggots .
19 They 'd planned to stay there a long time and they left fingerprints all over the place
20 Had the Inland Revenue won , it would have affected so many employees — tax practitioners claim hundreds of thousands — that the Revenue would have had to set up a special unit just to cope with the paperwork .
21 did not accept that the Vice-Chancellor had intended to lay down a rigid limitation on the exercise of the court 's discretion .
22 At the same time it was announced Leckpatick chief executive Malcolm Woods had resigned to take up a new position as managing director of John Kelly , Belfast .
23 As getting tiny clothes was a problem for us I 've decided to put together a pre-term pack to loan out to NCT members who find themselves in need of them .
24 ( B ) The conference had decided to set up a national assembly composed of 123 members based on the number of constituencies existing before 1969 with a speaker and two deputy speakers .
25 I 've got to take up a new attitude with him .
26 We 've got to set up a proper complaints procedure , so that people know how to complain about Social Services , although I doubt very much whether anybody would ever want to complain about Oxfordshire 's Social Services , and so on .
27 You 've got to start back a long way before you get to the final decisions on costs and budgets .
28 ‘ I 've got to work out a new course . ’
29 On May 9 Albie Sachs , a civil rights lawyer and member of the ANC legal and constitutional affairs committee ( who returned to South Africa on May 4 after 24 years in exile — see also p. 36073 ) , revealed that he had helped to draw up a 1985 code of conduct outlawing torture , but acknowledged that detention camps still existed .
30 Balfourier 's ‘ Iron ’ XX Corps had now reached the front in its entirety ; two further corps were on their way , and a third standing by ; Haig , with rather ill grace , had agreed to take over a further sector of the line from the French , so an adequate supply of reinforcements seemed assured .
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