Example sentences of "have [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Anyone who has had to work through the shock of bereavement will identify with the emotional upheaval involved .
32 As part of a reassessment of its priorities , SERC has had to look at the balance of its forward planning , in particular to ensure that the funding of grants can recover from necessary short-term stringencies .
33 Ever since it was formed in a merger 55 years ago , ICI 's portfolio has had to change with the times .
34 He has had to come to the House with the Bill because he was unable to deliver .
35 The EC has offered to mediate in the dispute , which has soured relations between the two countries .
36 My mind wants to know what the theft of the Wolvercote Tongue has got to do with the murder of Theodore Kemp .
37 Mrs has got to work with the times has n't she ?
38 What I will do , is I 'll split , there are two erm , has got to comply with the procedure or there is a procedure change and I 'll split that into two columns so that it 's a bit more clear
39 The entire Barnes collection has been examined by National Gallery conservators , and the National Gallery has agreed to arrange for the tour 's transportation and insurance .
40 The Bank has agreed to meet with the IBOA to discuss the plight of officials in the above category .
41 This has always added to the clergy 's spiritual authority and status , and has tended to merge with the authority claimed by the clergy in matters of faith and morals , with the high clergy deciding what constitutes matters of faith and morals .
42 This dichotomy of surplus extraction and extra-economic coercion in the capitalist mode of production , although giving rise to a variety of state forms , has tended to detract from the role of the state , ideology and all other aspects of the ‘ superstructure ’ within the totality of this mode of production .
43 When the Minister replied in Committee to our amendments and proposed new clauses , he said — as he has tended to say throughout the passage of the Bill — that the Government can take to themselves the power to give certain safeguards .
44 Finally , it may be noted — as this previous point suggests — that the account presented by Parsons and others has tended to dwell on the eu functions ( positive functions ) at the expense of the negative or dys functions of this pattern of family living .
45 While much previous research by geographers , economists , sociologists and planners has tended to focus on the cases and consequences of industrial decline in the conurbations of northern Britain and London , this research attempts to break new ground both in examining the cause of economic growth and prosperity in southern England and in seeking to assess the extent to which the benefits of growth have been equally shared amongst different segments of the population in such areas .
46 In the specific context of developing strategies for increasing teacher effectiveness , the importance of this personal dimension has often been neglected , at least in the U.K. Thus teacher education has tended to focus on the needs of children or the needs of the institution , rather than the individual needs and motivations ( including career motivations ) of teachers .
47 The majority of research has tended to focus on the pattern recognition level , with the higher level processes being progressively of lesser interest .
48 The variety of National Savings instruments is extremely diverse , and the degree to which various governments have utilised the National Savings sector as a method of raising finance has tended to vary over the years .
49 It is a privilege enjoyed by everyone in this country but because the library profession has a responsibility for some considerable part of the provision of and access to literature and information , there is a heightened obligation for the library profession in the UK to resist censorship with a much greater collective and individual will than it has tended to show in the past .
50 The Trinity has remained the kingpin of Greek and Russian spirituality but in the West it has tended to retreat to the sidelines and many find it an impossible concept : God is seen as One and Jesus often becomes a sort of divine friend in a vision which robs the Christian mystery of much of its transcendent power .
51 As the term ‘ socialisation ’ suggests this research has tended to concentrate on the macro-level , emphasising the influence of the social structure on the individual .
52 Disagreement has tended to centre upon the issue of responsibility for the evident political incompatibility of left and right and the consequent unworkability of Republican democracy .
53 THE president of Liss WI , Heather Gold , welcomed members to the recent meeting and announced that Jean Pay has volunteered to serve on the committee .
54 ‘ Rachel , it appears the new medical officer has arrived to look over the place .
55 In recent years the clarity and compassion of the ‘ dissenting voice ’ — that of the liberal Protestant , allied to radicalism , socialism and even nationalism — has seemed to fade into the mists of history , gravely neglected by historians , often drowned by the sectarian rhetoric of extreme loyalism .
56 More recent work has attempted to allow for the fact that holders of money balances may switch into a whole spectrum of assets , such as equities , trade bills and certificates of deposit .
57 It has attempted to climb above the condom in the fresher 's priorities list and announced that it is considering giving students a significant voice in the pay rises of their lecturers .
58 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
59 In Sudan President Omar el Bashir 's government has refused to admit to the famine , declaring only a ‘ temporary food gap ’ of 75,000 tonnes .
60 British Rail Engineering has refused to comment on the award .
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