Example sentences of "have [verb] [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the past 25 years the population has trebled due to the building program .
2 ‘ The county council are taking seriously their request for a speed restriction on a stretch of road which has proven dangerous in the past and will continue to be so if action is not taken . ’
3 Any attempt to build a truly all-Nigerian party since the failure of Azikiwe 's pioneering initiative has fallen foul of the rivalry between the major tribal groups .
4 RMC , the building materials and ready-mixed concrete giant , has fallen foul of the slump .
5 They have consistently refused to co-operate with any venture that has fallen short of the promise of self-determination .
6 In any case , Allison , who discovered the joys of off-licence products and credit card abuse before Norman Lamont was knee high to the Mace , has spilled most of the gravy that has come his way in a life that has brought a different kind of riches .
7 VIC JOBSON , Southend United 's controversial chairman , has likened some of the club 's fans to the ‘ Hitler Youth Movement ’ .
8 VIC JOBSON , Southend United 's controversial chairman , has likened some of the club 's fans to the ‘ Hitler Youth Movement ’ .
9 It is a pity about Gray because he has given much to the club over three years .
10 Your publication has given some of the world 's best humorists and cartooonists their most memorable exposure and has inspired countless others to pick up the pen and make complete fools out of themselves .
11 It is disappointing that Management has failed to provide this information on the issues raised by IBOA and IBOA has referred this to the Labour Relations Agency for a Conciliation Meeting .
12 The field man has to suffer less of the unpleasantness involved in policing .
13 But Cook has disappointed many on the left by siding so rapidly with the advocates of a quick contest .
14 So , for a moment , consider a long-distance runner who has collapsed near to the finish on one occasion .
15 The effects of raw sewage on British beaches has earned much of the country 's coastline condemnation from European inspectors whose tests have shown unacceptably high levels of bacteria .
16 The hydraulic pump and the winding gear , the great pipes which brought the water down from the fell above to drive the engine , were almost intact , although somebody ( a famous industrial museum , it is rumoured ) has pinched some of the valve rods .
17 He has to repair all of the machinery but this seems impossible since his workmates have borrowed his tools .
18 He has grown old in the service of several Emperors .
19 But America has always wanted Israel to give up some of the occupied territory , and has grown keener since the start of a desperate revolt by the occupied people .
20 But the company which has built most of the world 's most impressive superstructures could be in danger of losing out to Korean competition .
21 Alameda has worked with the navy for a long time , and 8,000 jobs would go if it closed ; Everett expects 6,000 sailors and their families to arrive when it is finished , and has built most of the infrastructure .
22 On the second issue , sensitivity analysis , the board has met most of the commission 's criticisms , including the important issue of the impact of wide variations in coal prices on the overall result .
23 Shortly after the abolition of the CPRS , Professor George Jones noted : ‘ While she has been strengthening her own personal staff resources , she has weakened those at the disposal of her Cabinet colleagues for the performances of their collective deliberations by abolishing the CPRS .
24 A preoccupation with the unification of England , however , in which the desire to unify was perceived as a guiding factor in a succession of early but powerful kings has channelled much of the study of pre-Viking history into too narrow an appreciation of political activity in the several kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy .
25 Although the complex divisions in the DUP 's North Belfast branch accord slightly with the view that there is a basic conflict between old extremists and new ‘ moderates ’ in that McQuade , while he was alive , supported Seawright against the executive , the departure of Seawright has seen some of the founder members , who left when he became a force , returning .
26 Which former Yugoslav state has seen most of the fighting ?
27 Thus , while the north has suffered most of the job loss resuIting from deindustrialization , the south is gaining most from the rise of new sectors .
28 On 10 August Neville Chamberlain noted : ‘ S.B. has suffered most from the strike ; he too is worn out and has no spirit left , but he remains the one with the greatest influence in the country . ’
29 By the end of pregnancy , they can tell when the baby 's head has moved low in the pelvis ready for birth .
30 Its success can be measured by how it has moved Labour to the right of the Heath Tory government .
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