Example sentences of "have [verb] [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what arrangements he has made to ensure that existing recipients of attendance allowance and mobility allowance receive disability living allowance in April .
2 The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether potential jurors may be excluded from a case because of their sex .
3 I hold no specific brief for the Baxter scheme , but it has attempted to demonstrate that alternative schemes could be produced that would retain the Government 's proposal for a terminus — an interchange — at King 's Cross , but states that the plan would be more satisfactory if it were achieved without creating an enormous hole in the ground which British Rail proposes , with all the consequent destruction of homes , jobs and local neighbourhood .
4 A retired solicitor will not be treated as continuing to hold himself out as a partner merely because he has neglected to ensure that revised letterheads are used by the firm from the date of his retirement , but there could be more of a problem when he has been party to a lease of partnership property and steps have not been taken to replace him as one of its lessees/trustees. ( e ) Sureties Section 18 of the Partnership Act contains a special provision which applies , in the absence of contrary agreement , whenever there is a change in the membership of a firm : A continuing guaranty or cautionary obligation given either to a firm or to a third person in respect of the transactions of a firm is , in the absence of agreement to the contrary , revoked as to future transactions by any change in the constitution of the firm to which , or of the firm in respect of transactions of which , the guaranty or obligation was given .
5 Such research has purported to show that abusing parents are more likely to have , for example , personality problems ( Loss and Glancy , 1983 ; Kokkevi and Agathonos , 1987 ) , low IQ ( Oliver , 1977 ) and have been the victims of abuse themselves ( Kempe and Kempe , 1978 ) .
6 6 Our memebers have had to fight to ensure that national agreements are honoured .
7 Why the chamber should have decided to evacuate after half-a-million years stability remains a matter of conjecture .
8 But Polybius would of course have had to jettison his pet idea of the mixed constitution , and generally speaking he would have had to admit that those Romans whose minds appeared so transparent to him were in fact much more mysterious creatures .
9 Furthermore , the mothers and other relatives of the rapists had received threatening and abusive letters , including one from the National Front , and one letter threatening to rape the daughter of the rapist 's mother .
10 The king-duke had to try to suggest that such appeals as were made were not his personal responsibility .
11 The disaster was all the more stunning because people had come to assume that such things did n't happen .
12 By the time Durkheim came to write Two Laws of Penal Evolu-tion , he had modified his theory about the decline in importance of the conscience collective ( a phrase he ceased to use ) and had come to believe that collective sentiments were a crucial factor in any society .
13 One afternoon in late October we heard on a local radio station that someone , claiming to speak for Islamic Jihad , had phoned to announce that two Americans would be executed .
14 Mr Radovan Karadzic , the main Serbian leader in Bosnia , had threatened to attack unless Bosnian officials freed an associate held after sniping incidents , police said .
15 We 've got to recognise that many women in our organisation , for example , perceive a glass ceiling .
16 I 've got to get that those AVCs er , I mean if I had to , if that happened , how would we pay off Brian ?
17 my Lord we se , I do n't think that 's true because what we 're saying and if and I believe it does flair from our keepers that erm we have to prove we 've got to prove that these restrictions would of lead to category of business from what the
18 Heseltine said that the government ‘ carefully evaluates directives ’ before agreeing to them and on occasion had needed to question whether other countries were honouring their commitments .
19 Serious UFO researchers have come to recognise that these stories are essentially subjective .
20 I feel myself shudder ; I have come to learn that such touchings normally precede a trip to the Dark .
21 THE HISTORY of belief in the supernormal over the past hundred years is studded with the names of famous illusionists who have sought to prove that much-vaunted miracles were nothing more than conjuring tricks .
22 Although public sector entities may experience difficulties with the recognition and measurement of certain assets , the example the audited Crown financial statements have set shows that verifiable valuations can be placed on most public sector assets .
23 Dunning and Murphy have tried to argue that violent street-gangs , whose antics led to several alarmed inquiries around the turn of the century , were likely to have been present at football matches from the outset .
24 The pressures of the health market which the Government have created mean that balanced books and a worried look over the shoulder at the competition are the immediate concerns of NHS managers and accountants .
25 Now they have begun to wonder whether many kinds of referring expressions are not in fact covertly indexical in at least some usages .
26 The opinion polls have begun to suggest that ordinary Greeks are getting tired of the alternation of placeholders that has made up so much of recent Greek politics .
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