Example sentences of "have [verb] [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the woodland in the valley is managed by the Forestry Commission , which has helped to draw up the new plan .
2 Their goodness has helped to make up the huge amount of goodness which has been accumulating for thousands of years and which we call the Created God . ’
3 In all known insects , however , a secondary segmentation has become established whereby the intersegmental sclerites have become closely associated with the notum in front or with one behind .
4 Alongside his economic reforms , he has tried to open up the political system and make it harder for politicians to cheat .
5 In the first year of operation , NAB has begun to set up the essential third tier of its structure , namely study groups to examine and report upon specific subject areas and aspects of its operation .
6 Yet his real concern is that Labour has failed to grasp how the financial and managerial freedom of GM status , bypassing the LEA and channelling extra funds to schools , has improved opportunities for ordinary pupils .
7 PI has failed to read out the selected modules in the package .
8 Need to exactly find out before I knew I 'd got mucked up the whole thing and ca n't send there back either .
9 The English boy showed the others all the implements and products I had collected for cleaning and disinfecting , telling them I had a mania for cleanliness , and I 'd once decided to wash all his clothes and he 'd had to stay indoors the whole day .
10 ‘ Yes , certainly , ’ I said , and went to fetch some from the cold locker in the kitchen , thanking my stars that I 'd happened to see where the soft-drink cans were kept .
11 We will have to wait to see how the new system works .
12 No doubt Julius Reuter would have found setting up the famous news agency far easier if he had one to bash out his stories on . ’
13 But , she added , the company had undertaken to sponsor only the inaugural event .
14 Suddenly the night had erupted into a confusion of fire , noise and light , as first the house had erupted in flames and then five heavy vehicles had come roaring up the twisting driveway , headlights blazing .
15 I 've forgotten to write down the bad dream I had last night .
16 Similar legislation had also been passed by the Senate , but , reluctant to approve similarly large pay increases for itself , the Senate had voted to reduce gradually the annual total of honoraria which its members could receive [ see also p. 37037 ] .
17 ‘ Because I 've decided to give up the artificial fiction of being myself for the genuine , satisfying falseness of being somebody else .
18 Having lost the campaign for the DLP presidential nomination to Kim Young Sam in controversial circumstances [ see pp. 38911 ] , Lee Jong Chan 's possible intervention as an independent had threatened to split further the centre-right vote which was already being sought by both the DLP and the UNP campaigns .
19 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
20 E two , now you 've got to work out the average speed , right try and think roughly what the answer would be , because if you thought of that , then you would know that 's a silly answer , cos look , how far is the journey ?
21 On the other side of the camp he saw Jacques Devraux , already dressed , checking the hides the Moi had finished cleaning late the previous night .
22 MacArthur maintained that the moves he had taken to break up the large banks would prevent a repetition of the devious methods formerly used to provide a subsidy for Japanese textile exports .
23 While admitting that the US company 's board had discussed winding up the Irish operation a number of times , he emphasized his gratitude and that of the board for the help and co-operation received from the Irish government and the IDA .
24 Back in Vienna , Constanze , for once not pregnant , had begun to take over the financial reins with great aplomb .
25 Lesley had begun to gather up the remaining cups , but at the mention of Charlotte 's name she put down the tray abruptly , and turned with a startled smile .
26 Benjamin Titford had managed to clamber up the social ladder , as we have seen — rising , in the process , higher than his impoverished cousins in Frome had done .
27 It had been painful to watch her struggle for her self-respect , but she had managed to ward off the threatened nervous breakdown .
28 The reaction was an uproar : Sir Keith had managed to offend both the left and the right , as well as touching on two taboos in one theme : sex and class .
29 He knew that a bomb disposal man had failed to defuse safely the Argentine bomb lodged in the frigate 's engine room , which had exploded , killing him , and that had started a fire on board .
30 Claiming that the two main candidates had failed to address seriously the urgent need to reduce the federal deficit , Perot said that he had re-entered the race in order " to put our financial house back in order " .
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