Example sentences of "have [verb] [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the woodland in the valley is managed by the Forestry Commission , which has helped to draw up the new plan .
2 Their goodness has helped to make up the huge amount of goodness which has been accumulating for thousands of years and which we call the Created God . ’
3 In all known insects , however , a secondary segmentation has become established whereby the intersegmental sclerites have become closely associated with the notum in front or with one behind .
4 Alongside his economic reforms , he has tried to open up the political system and make it harder for politicians to cheat .
5 In the first year of operation , NAB has begun to set up the essential third tier of its structure , namely study groups to examine and report upon specific subject areas and aspects of its operation .
6 Yet his real concern is that Labour has failed to grasp how the financial and managerial freedom of GM status , bypassing the LEA and channelling extra funds to schools , has improved opportunities for ordinary pupils .
7 PI has failed to read out the selected modules in the package .
8 Need to exactly find out before I knew I 'd got mucked up the whole thing and ca n't send there back either .
9 The English boy showed the others all the implements and products I had collected for cleaning and disinfecting , telling them I had a mania for cleanliness , and I 'd once decided to wash all his clothes and he 'd had to stay indoors the whole day .
10 ‘ Yes , certainly , ’ I said , and went to fetch some from the cold locker in the kitchen , thanking my stars that I 'd happened to see where the soft-drink cans were kept .
11 We will have to wait to see how the new system works .
12 Second , identifying other people 's best practices gives you the benefit of their knowledge and experience ; you do n't have to try to work out the best way of performing a particular task — you just learn from whoever is already doing it that way .
13 Gon na have to start changing up the hundreds cos we 've run out in the bank .
14 No doubt Julius Reuter would have found setting up the famous news agency far easier if he had one to bash out his stories on . ’
15 This means that the initial state of the universe would have to have had exactly the same temperature everywhere in order to account for the fact that the microwave background has the same temperature in every direction we look .
16 Reced er the precedent for the situation that we are in now , yes indeed there is one and it was when er the Labour government was last in power in nineteen seventy eight , when we had er er er to er set up the European constituencies we had a limited time to do it in and all the countries in Europe had to agree to bring forward the same kind of agreement and put it into effect at the same time .
17 But , she added , the company had undertaken to sponsor only the inaugural event .
18 Suddenly the night had erupted into a confusion of fire , noise and light , as first the house had erupted in flames and then five heavy vehicles had come roaring up the twisting driveway , headlights blazing .
19 And there was perhaps not so much to laugh at in that ; for by North 's trial , two and a half years after the breaking of the scandal , the overwhelming majority of Americans had come to feel much the same way .
20 I 've forgotten to write down the bad dream I had last night .
21 Similar legislation had also been passed by the Senate , but , reluctant to approve similarly large pay increases for itself , the Senate had voted to reduce gradually the annual total of honoraria which its members could receive [ see also p. 37037 ] .
22 ‘ Because I 've decided to give up the artificial fiction of being myself for the genuine , satisfying falseness of being somebody else .
23 Having lost the campaign for the DLP presidential nomination to Kim Young Sam in controversial circumstances [ see pp. 38911 ] , Lee Jong Chan 's possible intervention as an independent had threatened to split further the centre-right vote which was already being sought by both the DLP and the UNP campaigns .
24 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
25 Take away one twelfth okay just write that down that you 've got to take away the one twelfth .
26 E two , now you 've got to work out the average speed , right try and think roughly what the answer would be , because if you thought of that , then you would know that 's a silly answer , cos look , how far is the journey ?
27 By the time I had been an intern for a few more months , doing my rounds in my white coat with stethoscope dangling round my neck ( and feeling very important ) , Father had had to close down the second branch , leaving — for the time being — only the original shop which he had opened near the Market Place where the annual Goose Fair was held .
28 On the other side of the camp he saw Jacques Devraux , already dressed , checking the hides the Moi had finished cleaning late the previous night .
29 MacArthur maintained that the moves he had taken to break up the large banks would prevent a repetition of the devious methods formerly used to provide a subsidy for Japanese textile exports .
30 While admitting that the US company 's board had discussed winding up the Irish operation a number of times , he emphasized his gratitude and that of the board for the help and co-operation received from the Irish government and the IDA .
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