Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 The main problem in windsurfing is that it has developed so rapidly in the last ten years that boards only a few years old are very out of date and lack the features mentioned earlier .
2 phenomena which have only arisen in the period of advanced capitalism in which the state has intervened directly both in the organization of production and in consumption .
3 French retail sales fell by 3.6% in the year to November , while business confidence has fallen more sharply in the past two quarters than at any time in the 1980s .
4 The conclusion was that " the School has fallen off lamentably in the higher branches of education " .
5 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
6 Yet if we assume , as we are perfectly entitled to do for the sake of argument , that life has originated only once in the universe , it follows that we are allowed to postulate a very large amount of luck in a theory , because there are so many planets in the universe where life could have originated .
7 evidence , er I would however like to point out this is n't included into the report , but much of these have these days that incidence of complaints received er by organization such as ours from the general public and I 'm happy to report this indeed can be verified factually that the incidence of complaint against the highway service has dropped off enormously in the last two or three years , certainly within the last two years when we concentrated so much of our time and effort and improved in the quality and immediacy of the service of practice , er the level of complaints these days , and these are general complaints , not
8 The provision of art and design education has grown relatively slowly in the post-war period so that in November 1979 , for example , there were only 34,707 students taking courses leading to recognized qualifications in art and design of whom 19,988 were on non-advanced courses , and 14,719 on advanced courses ; these represented just over two per cent of all students in further education studying for recognized qualifications .
9 What then is this second economy which has grown so massively in the shadow of one that the state has planned and controlled for decades ?
10 Interest in golf has grown so rapidly in the last ten years that it has reached out beyond its traditional confines and become glamorous .
11 If anything , public expenditure has grown less quickly in the UK ; in 1964 it was joint third highest , with Germany , of the fourteen countries shown in Table 15.3 ; by 1989 it was only eleventh highest of those same fourteen countries .
12 ‘ The relative buoyancy of this sector in the early 1990s was one reason why Scotland has suffered less severely in the recession than the rest of the UK , ’ he added .
13 The plan to construct a political union in Europe on the model of the German Federal Republic betrays just this kind of defective level of political maturity from which Germany has suffered so badly in the past .
14 In recent weeks his perky figure has turned up twice in the winners enclosure on Northern tracks and when Dance of Words went in for Mick O'Toole last Friday night at Downpatrick this was his seventh winner since his return to Ireland .
15 This country has done very well in the negotiations and we have got an agreement that is right for this country .
16 Certainly the petrochemicals industry as a whole has done very well in the past couple of years , and we with it .
17 She has done extremely well in the wholesale trade .
18 Although this species has occurred more regularly in the past decade than formerly , no very significant change in status seems likely .
19 However , a student who has performed outstandingly well in the HNC/HND examinations or has taken a combination of units particularly well matched with the requirements of the degree course may be considered for exemption from appropriate parts ( normally up to half ) of the second-year ( or the part-time equivalent ) of the degree course .
20 So , as far as general principles go , I think the issue between animals and the rest of the environment has become much easier in the last twenty years , and thank goodness for that .
21 Like Irons 's immaculate body , which looks as though it has spent too long in the gym , it is all very pretty , and attractive , and unsurprising .
22 The use of sex crime in the media as a source of titillation has a long and inglorious past which has emerged spectacularly again in the Thatcher years .
23 The same disagreement has emerged more recently in the context of human language acquisition , in the debate between those who , like Noam Chomsky , suppose that human beings have an innate capacity to acquire language , and the behaviourists , who argue that language acquisition can be explained in the same way as most other behaviour , by operant conditioning : we learn to speak grammatically because we receive reinforcement when we do so .
24 The concept of bad faith has remained either largely in the region of hypothetical cases or has been treated as synonymous with improper purposes or relevancy .
25 At the outset of Lunch-time Opening , it is fair to say that customer reaction was quite slow but has increased quite significantly in the intervening months .
26 It is the only thing that he has followed so far in the debate .
27 The unemployment rate is close to the national average , and the recession has hit far harder in the south .
28 For instance , the incidence of reported rape has gone up dramatically in the last five years but this has also coincided with a change in police policy designed to give victims support and to take every allegation seriously .
29 To revert to my opening discussion for a moment , one might say that the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego represented above all in the taboos on incest and aggression against the father has become severely exacerbated and that , if Freud felt that in his day the balance was too far on the side of society and the superego , today it has swung too far in the direction of the individual and the id ; for it is clear that a balance between these two opposing fundamental forces is the essence of human existence .
30 They believe that the ruling class has changed relatively little in the last hundred years .
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