Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The main problem in windsurfing is that it has developed so rapidly in the last ten years that boards only a few years old are very out of date and lack the features mentioned earlier .
2 The inexperienced Masters ' contestant therefore has to contend not only with the aura of the Masters but with the aura of Jack Nicklaus .
3 phenomena which have only arisen in the period of advanced capitalism in which the state has intervened directly both in the organization of production and in consumption .
4 He concluded that commentary has conformed very closely to the Committee 's preference for a style that is appropriate and complementary to Commons proceedings .
5 French retail sales fell by 3.6% in the year to November , while business confidence has fallen more sharply in the past two quarters than at any time in the 1980s .
6 This , conveniently , is at a time when sterling has fallen far enough against the Deutschemark to make it potentially competitive within ERM .
7 The conclusion was that " the School has fallen off lamentably in the higher branches of education " .
8 Its autumn survey says that home owners feel that prices have now bottomed out , even though activity has fallen off significantly since the summer .
9 Direct overseas investment has fallen off sharply since the 1989/90 peak .
10 In Britain denominational planning has depended too exclusively on the ‘ geographical map ’ .
11 Our body clock has adjusted readily enough to the delay in our life-style at the weekend ( remember that the free-running period is more than 24 hours ) , but is less easily advanced , as is required , on Sunday night and Monday morning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
12 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
13 The practice and provision has varied very widely across the country .
14 Yet if we assume , as we are perfectly entitled to do for the sake of argument , that life has originated only once in the universe , it follows that we are allowed to postulate a very large amount of luck in a theory , because there are so many planets in the universe where life could have originated .
15 McGeechan regrets that the home unions committee has adhered so rigidly to the terms of its acceptance of the invitation 12 months ago .
16 evidence , er I would however like to point out this is n't included into the report , but much of these have these days that incidence of complaints received er by organization such as ours from the general public and I 'm happy to report this indeed can be verified factually that the incidence of complaint against the highway service has dropped off enormously in the last two or three years , certainly within the last two years when we concentrated so much of our time and effort and improved in the quality and immediacy of the service of practice , er the level of complaints these days , and these are general complaints , not
17 Sociology has come very late to the university , compared with the other social sciences , and although it has found a base there in a way which the arts or journalism have not , even they have increasingly strong academic connections .
18 Our other major domestic market , the distilling industry has come back strongly from the low levels of production of the early 1980s and appears full of optimism , if the huge rise in the share prices of quoted distilling companies is a fair yardstick .
19 The crisis has come too quickly for the company , which only this morning was due to launch a new truck .
20 The national assembly , up to only a certain period of time , according to the constitution , and then again the parliament has to come back again into the picture .
21 New work has looked more deeply into the toxins ' structure to find out how they do their job so specifically .
22 The provision of art and design education has grown relatively slowly in the post-war period so that in November 1979 , for example , there were only 34,707 students taking courses leading to recognized qualifications in art and design of whom 19,988 were on non-advanced courses , and 14,719 on advanced courses ; these represented just over two per cent of all students in further education studying for recognized qualifications .
23 The Polytechnic of Wales has grown very considerably during the present decade .
24 What then is this second economy which has grown so massively in the shadow of one that the state has planned and controlled for decades ?
25 Interest in golf has grown so rapidly in the last ten years that it has reached out beyond its traditional confines and become glamorous .
26 If anything , public expenditure has grown less quickly in the UK ; in 1964 it was joint third highest , with Germany , of the fourteen countries shown in Table 15.3 ; by 1989 it was only eleventh highest of those same fourteen countries .
27 The selling franchise arrangement has operated quite successfully for the past eight years , and Argent Distributors have grown at a steady pace during this period , as can be seen from the sales turnover figures .
28 Burridge ( 1969 ) has written most persuasively about the effects which fieldwork can have on the anthropologist , describing the prophetic experience this can produce .
29 This chapter has argued not only for the compatibility of faith with intellectual uncertainty , but even for the necessity of such uncertainty for faith .
30 Throughout the 1980s , Sudan has suffered not only from the disruption caused by its own civil conflict but has also experienced influxes of refugees from surrounding countries — Uganda , Ethiopia and Chad — driven by drought and war .
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