Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This has set me up for the rest of the season and now I can have a real crack at the England squad , ’ he said .
2 I fear that our nation has set itself up for a decade of national strife .
3 Pam Dixon 's here , the bearded wonder has taken himself off for the weekend
4 That what the inspector 's been telling us year after year , that we are in serious danger of not coming up to the protection safety standards , is something that we ca n't push into the background any longer and I 'm very glad it 's come to the full council so that the whole council can take it seriously the public protection committee has taken it seriously for a very long time .
5 For example , monies could be restricted because the governing body has put them aside for a specific purpose , such as for renewal of a fleet of cars .
6 It took her a week to make , that dress , she 'd made it specially for the dance at the police cadets ’ college , and then she 'd been so shy she 'd spent most of the evening in the Ladies .
7 Clearly he 'd brought her here for a purpose …
8 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
9 In fact , she thought as she splashed cold water on to her hot face , she had n't seen him all morning — perhaps he 'd taken himself off for a walk .
10 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
11 The Butlins Empire has now had to market itself anew for the experienced package tourist ; a move from wooden chalets to brick-built country suites , from the Minehead Camp to Summerwest World .
12 Did you have to psych yourself up for the part ?
13 As for snooker , well , to approach the televisual ideal , by which we all measure ourselves , I 'd have to do nothing else for the rest of my life .
14 Then : ‘ You 'll have to let me out for the Jubilee .
15 Do n't put it away , you 'll have to leave it out for the week .
16 Someone must have brought it here for a purpose , but I must admit it looks abandoned .
17 But maybe the leaders , Brice Lalonde and Antoine Waechter , will have to fight it out for the leadership of a united ‘ green ’ party before a real alliance can be forged .
18 Yes ar are not that good but I 'm working at it on a sort of regional basis erm but you may have to keep me here for a very long time in order to achieve it .
19 Well , you never know , you might have to study it then for the exams .
20 Its excellent PR and the enthusiasm of the press might simply have set it up for a great fall if the use of its powers had proved to be weak or ineffective .
21 He would n't have asked her out for a meal if he did n't like her , she reasoned .
22 There he was swirling a bunch of flowers , dressed in ill-fitting Levi 's ( surely Joe Moss could have fitted him out for the event ) and a ridiculous shirt .
23 The children did n't understand at first , but when it was later explained to them , they were enormously proud that she should have singled them out for a visit .
24 To constitute an offence under those sections the waste must have been deposited on an unlicensed site or in breach of the conditions in the licence , must amount to an ‘ environmental hazard ’ and must have been deposited in such circumstances or for such a period that whoever deposited it there may reasonably be assumed to have abandoned it there or to have brought it there for the purpose of its being disposed as waste .
25 We can say we 're going to have to keep you off for a bit longer yet .
26 ‘ I 've given it up for the moment , ’ he said .
27 I had this idea they had booked me in for a Caesarean because I 'm small , but had n't told me .
28 We went our separate ways , both recognizing that we had to psych ourselves up for the race .
29 Cos I 've let myself in for a day of temping .
30 Do you mean we 've let you off for the evening ?
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