Example sentences of "in this [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He continued in this vein for a couple of minutes , tripping himself up several times .
2 ( Abrams was a young , bright , sharp lawyer , always well-tailored , and with an air of fierce aceticism ; he will reappear often in this story as a man trying to keep at the edge of it , and usually succeeding .
3 The relational model is stressed in this text for a number of reasons :
4 The aim of the gist-listening session was to try and break down this hostility by showing the group that they could understand two native speakers talking ‘ naturally ’ , in this case about a shopping expedition .
5 Well , obviously none of us would want to separate sex from erotica , and so er , and I think we , what we 'd like , what we wanted the leaflet to do was put , put sort of sex for , for young people er and students in particular in this case into a framework that allowed loving and resp , response of attitudes and , and eroticism , yes , and so I think what the leaflet does is , is let people take care of themselves sexually and let them take responsibility for their sexual acts .
6 I 'd better explain that a commune is a sizable place , in this case with a population of 26,000 , including a small town and many villages .
7 Internally , they mirror the structure of an expert 's thought , in this case of a doctor 's thoughts , which tends to be much more .
8 It will be seen that I have to arrive at figures in respect of damages in this case under a number of heads .
9 The explosive prices for Teddy Bears in the last few years indicate how a market can be created , in this case by a mix of merit and nostalgia .
10 Left : Harnessed and on his way , Ted is hauled aloft , in this instance without a carrier .
11 While I suspect that it has absolutely nothing to do with tennis matters , ( although I will seek to justify its inclusion in this column in a moment ) , one thing I have never understood is why long haul flights in airlines are often so much cheaper than those for far shorter journeys .
12 Erm , I seem to find myself in this committee in a minority of one .
13 Since erm sexually reproducing organisms are and I 've tried to keep technical jargon in this course to a minimum , but one term we 'll have to learn is diploid , you ca n't do without it .
14 At a time when the Cubists were beginning to restrict severely their use of colour , when all details and incidentals had been suppressed and eliminated , when the objects in their paintings had been dislocated and fragmented to a degree where they are occasionally almost unrecognizable , there is an element of contradiction , almost of perversity in this inclusion of a trompe l'oeil detail .
15 There is quiet anger in this poem against a life in which her talents are wasted ; yet the manner in which she disowns her own struggle so late in her life is surprising .
16 The government White Paper issued as a prelude to the reorganisation of local government in England outlined the aims which a new system should incorporate : At the start of the next paragraph the White Paper summed up the problems inherent in this approach with a statement of the classic political dilemma : ‘ Practical realities prevent all these aims being fully achieved together ’ ( DOE 1971:6 ) .
17 Are you sure it 's wise to lie in this sun without a hat ? ’
18 Or what 's the difference in this activity for a level two or a level three child ?
19 It is dedicated to St Exupère , a saint of Toulouse who began life in this valley as a plough boy .
20 In this sense as a system it was a house built of sand which could scarcely have lasted as long as Bukharin and others wished it to .
21 A well-known example from earlier in this century of a Law Lord speaking on a political matter in the House of Lords arose when Lord Carson in 1921 strongly attacked the proposal to establish an Irish Free State .
22 However , in 1982 , the World Health Organization stated that there was little likelihood of a significant change in the ozone layer in this century as a result of changing agricultural practices , but that the topic requires further study because of possible long-term effects ( Hulm , 1982 ) .
23 My Lords , may I declare an interest in this question as a user of the British Library .
24 ‘ ( 1 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(1) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the total liability of the institution to him immediately before the time when it becomes insolvent , limited to a maximum of £20,000 , in respect of the principal amounts of and accrued interest on sterling deposits made with United Kingdom offices of the institution .
25 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
26 It is a source of pride to know that overall government spending on civil R&D in this country as a proportion of GDP is greater than in either the US or Japan .
27 His opponents predictably resorted to the traditional argument that it was " debatable whether defence expenditure could be further reduced without engendering a lack of international confidence in this country as a friend and ally " .
28 Often , all education was conducted by the internees themselves — English lessons being given by people who had been in this country for a number of years .
29 I do not think that the hon. Member for Edinburgh , Central , his hon. Friends or the majority of my hon. Friends would say that the Government were wrong , rather than giving no status to people who have been in this country for a number of years , to have given them exceptional leave to remain .
30 Firstly , let me say that you 're not alone — there are about half a million people in this country with a stammer severe enough to need help .
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