Example sentences of "in the few [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 How avoid lending multinationals a green gloss in the few areas where they are performing well , while they otherwise continue in their evil ways ?
2 In the few hours since she had brought the house down she had been interviewed by three tabloids , Sky Television and by Tony Howard for ‘ Newsnight ’ .
3 That morning Wycliffe had heard of the Glynn family for the first time and in the few hours since he had learned something about them ; about Gerald , Gina and Barry , about Christine and Aunt Sara , and about the uncles , Alfred and Maurice .
4 In the few minutes that he had been preparing dinner , the water drippng from his clothes had formed a pool round his feet .
5 The statements with which respondents were invited to entirely agree , agree with qualification , or disagree , were : ( 12 ) Dreams only occur in the few moments before you wake up .
6 Of 149 respondents , 18 subjects agreed firmly with the statement that " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " , and a further 23 thought this was perhaps true .
7 In the Hull survey one of the statements to which respondents were invited to agree was " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " ; 18 endorsed this statement , and 23 thought it was maybe true , out of 149 .
8 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
9 The deterioration in my companion 's movements in the few weeks since I had last seen him was distressing to observe .
10 In the few years since they have been in existence , the colleges of higher education have had little or no guidance , from the DES or anywhere else , as to the directions they might follow .
11 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
12 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
13 He did n't hesitate and say ‘ I 'll have to ask God about that ’ ; in the few seconds that it took her to express her need , Elisha knew what to say to her .
14 Every sunset the apes would return from their day 's foraging to sleep in the branches of this giant tree , and we were driven to distraction by our repeated attempts to film them properly in the few seconds after they arrived and before the sun set .
15 Could it be that ? she wondered , in the few seconds before he spoke .
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