Example sentences of "in the last [det] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1877 a book was published entitled Switzerland 's Development into a Unitary State , so the trend is long term ; yet in the last few decades the country has undergone large-scale centralisation .
2 In the last few decades the interest shown by social scientists in such evolutionary schemes has waned , notwithstanding the growing attention paid to problems of ‘ development ’ ; for the latter notion is not usually incorporated into any general conception of the history of human society , and despite first appearances is largely unhistorical .
3 In the last few weeks an obscure speed path that was constraining 40MHz yield was identified and stripped out .
4 In the last few years a powerful controversy has arisen over whether the dinosaurs as a whole were cold-blooded , like all living reptiles ( and there is no doubt that dinosaurs were reptiles ) , or warm-blooded , resembling mammals in this respect .
5 In the last few years a more objective method , based on the properties of the material erupted has been devised .
6 Both men are Christians , and in the last few years a number of other Christian writers have followed in their footsteps ( Hunter 1983 ; Guinness 1983 ; Williamson , Parotta et al 1983 ; Kolakowski 1986 ) .
7 It seems to me that we 're stronger fighting that together than apart and in the last few years a growing number of successful campaigns have strengthened this belief .
8 In the last few years the courts have contrived in effect to extend the substance of a right of occupation to a mistress who has lived on an originally permanent basis with a man , but who has now lost her partner either through death or as a result of some form of desertion .
9 In the last few years the Conservative government has instituted a programme called ‘ Next Steps ’ .
10 In the last few years the volume of literature concerned with gender and mathematics has grown apace , both at home and abroad .
11 I am encouraged that in the last few years the number of cyclists I see commuting to and in Edinburgh has increased .
12 Creggan hesitated to tell her but she seemed different from other vagrants he had met and in the last few days a trust had developed between them , so it seemed natural to say .
13 Yet in the last few days the Romanians have started underplaying the role of Timisoara in sparking off open opposition to Ceausescu , highlighting instead the undoubtedly fearless role of the citizens of Bucharest .
14 But in the last few days the food supplies from CARE alone have fed at least 150,000 people .
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