Example sentences of "in the [noun] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Back in the 10th century they would scoop out holes in the sand to get at the crude for medicinal purposes .
2 If attention and eyes are on the washing-up , it is unwise to try to speechread as well and frustrating to stop in the middle to look at the speaker ( possibly expensive in breakages too ! )
3 In the communiqué issued at the end of the meeting , the parties endorsed the position of the UN and the government , demanding the complete implementation of the Bicesse Accord and acceptance of the election results .
4 I told you I saw her in the mornings standing at the bus stop .
5 In each of these cases , the appropriate wording to put in the disclaimer used at the start of the document ( see Chapter 1103.3 ) is as follows .
6 Ahmed sat in the stern looking at the river .
7 If indeed the lady in the mask died at the birth of her child in 1575 , what on earth was the good of examining various ladies in 1578 ?
8 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
9 His commander on that mission , Lt Alex Watts , of Mold , was awarded the Queen 's Gallantry Medal in the honours announced at the weekend .
10 And we now have fifty agents of different nationalities , all highly trained in the skills taught at the special place . ’
11 He looked surprised at the scene that confronted him , with Gabriel screaming , Coffin silent in the road staring at the van with the small tense figure at the window .
12 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
13 The only two traffic wardens in the village married at the weekend and are on honeymoon in Wales — The Guardian .
14 There 's a s a definite explanation of terms that you see in the music written at the top of page forty seven would you look at them please .
15 Although many years later Braque recalled how strong an impression tribal art made on him , it is hard to see any direct reflection of this in the paintings executed at the time when Picasso was reacting so positively to tribal sculpture ; even in a painting like the Nu any influence from tribal art seems to have come at second hand , through Picasso 's Demoiselles .
16 MIDDLESBROUGH and Cleveland Harriers were third to take the bronze medals in the youths race at the national cross-country championships at Newark .
17 Besides , wrote Goldberg , you have only to see where Brighton are placed in the League to wonder at the wisdom of associating with them in any capacity .
18 Hilton sums up the whole process as he has defined it in Book One through the two images of sin and Christ with a quotation from Galatians 4:19 : Scale 1 , then , maps the whole area of the contemplative life and shows it may be accessed through inner participation in the truth revealed at the Incarnation : Most of the book , however , is occupied with the effort to clarify the process by which the reformation to the likeness of Jesus in his manhood may be begun , the experience of this likeness in the reformed " " of the soul and how it leads to contemplation of the Godhead is not explored in any fullness although it is present as a stated goal .
19 We 've been to two very different breweries in the region to look at the beer makers art .
20 I agree that the appeal should be allowed and that declarations should be made in the terms appearing at the end of the judgment of Glidewell L.J .
21 In late July 1989 Saudi Arabia and the United States opened secret talks to extend the life of a floating military base in the Gulf established at the height of the Iran-Iraq war .
22 These were two of the points made in the opinion delivered at the end of April by the Advocate General to the European Court of Justice in relation to four test cases to clarify an earlier ECJ watershed case on equal pension rights , Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange , which found on 17 May 1990 that Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome on equal pay applied to pension benefits .
23 In the experiment illustrated at the top , the toad 's response to a small black object revolving in its visual field is measured .
24 So when people gather round the manger with wonder and puzzlement , I 'm over in the corner looking at the cows .
25 At summer temperatures the major water quality problem is due to a lack of dissolved oxygen which results in the fish gasping at the water surface , showing rapid gill movements and , in severe cases , dying .
26 As a distant bell in Port-au-Prince tolled out the stroke of midnight , the drums ceased and the candle-holder in the lead halted at the rickety cemetery gates .
27 He squatted down in the straw looking at the foal , and the foal looked back at him , indignant , bright-eyed , quivering with life .
28 An air of emergency was reflected in the men busy at the large illuminated translucent plot that dominated the end of the room , at the messengers disappearing through doors and at telephones giving out their muted urgent calls .
29 Because the pools are limited in number , and because rain has stimulated all toads in the area to breed at the same time , the breeding ponds become extremely crowded .
30 In most cases of the conversion of schools that incorporate this feature , the owners have wisely left space between the edge of the added floor and the window to give a mezzanine platform overlooking a ‘ double-height ’ living-room , as in the arrangement adopted at the west end of the main wing of Airton school .
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