Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] to it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A high proportion of diplomats everywhere still began their careers , until well into the second half of the nineteenth century , by serving as unpaid attachés ; and it was not unusual for the head of a mission to ask for a son or a nephew to be assigned to it in this capacity .
2 In such a case , the husband will , if possible , wish to be released by the mortgagee from the future liability under the mortgage rather than rely upon an indemnity from the wife , and although the mortgagee should be aware of the proceedings between the parties by virtue of the notification required to be made to it under r2.59(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 ( see p3 ) , a formal application will doubtless have to be made by the husband for a release .
3 The group relief position between the various members of the vendor group , including Target , needs to be considered by both Newco and the vendor , because it will have a bearing on : ( a ) what the parties to the buy-out agree should be paid by Target for group relief to be surrendered to it by other members of the vendor group or , conversely , what payment Target should receive for losses and other group relief items which are available for surrender from Target to other members of the vendor group ; ( b ) whether adjustments need to be made to inter-company loan accounts ; for example if it has been assumed that in the accounting period of Target in which the buy-out occurs it will achieve a certain level of profitability which will enable it to claim group relief from other group companies and that those other companies will accordingly be able to write off £x of inter-company debt due to Target , the fact that Target leaves the vendor group , say , half-way through that accounting period , will prima facie reduce the amount of group relief it can claim to half of £x ; furthermore Newco may not be willing to pay as much as half of £x out of Target unless this represents a discount on the amount of corporation tax Target would otherwise have to pay on such profits ; additionally , the notional disposals which Target makes under s179 TCGA when it leaves the group may either increase its profits ( if a gain arises ) or decrease them ( if a loss arises ) ; ( c ) what the parties agree in terms of indemnity cover for Newco for tax charges crystallising in Target ; for example , the vendor goup may agree to surrender sufficient group relief to Target free of charge to preclude any charge to corporation tax arising from the operation of s179 when Target leaves the group .
4 When you define a procedure or a function , you list the parameters to be passed to it in brackets .
5 She might be growing to detest the man more with every passing second , but she doubted there was a woman alive who could deny his sheer male beauty , or fail to be drawn to it on the most basic level .
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