Example sentences of "to [noun] in [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Turnover increased from £81.6m to £106.1m in the same period .
2 She has an 18-year-old son , who plans to go to university in a few months ' time and the thought of life on her own fills her with anxiety .
3 Specimen examination papers for the new syllabuses have been written , and packs will be sent to employers in a few weeks time .
4 How do you feel about going to Czechoslovakia in a few days .
5 There were 3488 illnesses related to pesticides in the same period .
6 As for the price paid of 550p , half in cash and half in convertible preference shares , the prospective p/e may be around 14.5 , to judge from an estimated 10 per cent rise in Caradon 's pre-tax profits to £17m in the half year to 1 October .
7 The new £75,000 final salary limit applies to AVCs in the same way as to other earnings .
8 If our English binge had been held in a medieval university we should have had , mixed with the bawdy songs , tragical and even devotional pieces , equally authorless and handed on from mouth to mouth in the same way , with the same individual variations . ’
9 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
10 these would soon be extinct if zoos could not offer protection to animals in the same situation .
11 Meanwhile , Microsoft 's Excel , one of the first Windows-based spreadsheets , has more than doubled its market share to 42% in the same period .
12 We 're going to Kinsai in a few days .
13 It might have been my colleague Ann — who knew my whereabouts — or even my editor , come to congratulate me on the first pages of Lover at the Gate which I had faxed through from the hotel 's secretariat — or even Sophie , come to apologize , though I hardly imagined she had been promoted from child to lady in the few weeks of my absence .
14 He returned to England in the latter half of June and hardly had time to catch up with outstanding work before going into hospital in July to undergo the postponed operation upon his hernia .
15 NEWTOWNARDS dairy company Pritchitt Foods has offered a helping hand to refugees in the former Yugoslavia by donating milk powder to a Bosnian relief mission .
16 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
17 This was the ‘ phoney war ’ period and everyone drank to peace in a few weeks .
18 The Department of Public Relations got back to Burma in the latter part of October , and in November I flew back to join it .
19 The enlarged Group made £1,371,000 profit before tax in the six months compared to £1,886,000 in the same period last year .
20 I could n't talk to Mama in the same way as I 'm doing now .
21 West German trade unions have already had to take action to re to prevent their government from denying equal conditions to workers in the former East Germany .
22 He is expected to leave hospital to return to Jordan in a few days , and wo n't need any further treatment , the royal doctor added .
23 Meg laughed , ‘ Bless you , no , chick , we 'll be off to Somerset in a few days .
24 The Starsearch returns to Derry in a few weeks , and those who missed out on this occasion are strongly urged to re-enter .
25 Its pre-tax profits slumped 10 per cent to £91.7m in the half year to the end of July .
26 Some experts believe that British Rail would respond to competition in the same way .
27 I 've got James ringing around all the private houses on the island to rope in a few cooks who are n't working tonight .
28 PHOENIX TIMBER 'S profit fell from £995,000 to £479,000 in the half year to September 30 after some pressure on mrgins .
29 PHOENIX TIMBER 'S profit fell from £995,000 to £479,000 in the half year to September 30 after some pressure on margins .
30 Jacobson even managed to ‘ transfer ’ the approach behaviour from rats to hamsters in the same way .
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