Example sentences of "to [noun] and [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They tend to attribute their successes more to luck and less to ability than men , and to be more influenceable .
2 Alan Webb says he 's always been interested in boats and when he took it up started going to marinas and out to sea but after a while he wanted to go faster and have more fun
3 A member of the Cambridge ‘ Apostles ’ , he was a communist before and during the war but later became more sympathetic , first to anarchism and then to syndicalism .
4 A. culicifacies , the sole vector in Sri Lanka , remains susceptible to BHC and malathion and malaria persists there ; in India , and possibly in Pakistan too , the same species shows ‘ pockets ’ of resistance to malathion and even to fenitrothion but extensive areas still exist where there is no evidence of organophosphate resistance .
5 No special methods were adopted to enhance the activity of bacteria oxidizing excreted ammonia ( produced from metabolism of proteins ) first to nitrite and then to nitrate .
6 Too often students go straight from school to college and on to university without seeing any action resulting from their studies .
7 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
8 Accordingly , from the mid-1970s , research began to examine the perception and behaviour of individuals , and then to develop general conceptual and theoretical research , in a shift from the ‘ inductive ’ to the ‘ scientific ’ route shown in Figure I. I. Smith ( 1983 ) in another recent summary broadly agrees with Owens , and divides his textbook Recreation Geography into a four-stage continuum from description , to explanation , to prediction and finally to policy formulation .
9 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
10 His most successful hero ( and neither word is really suitable , in any case ) is Captain McWhirr of the Nan-Shan , a middle-aged man whose prosaic letters to parents and then to wife , full of comments like ‘ On Christmas Day at 4 p.m. we fell in with some icebergs ’ , bore them into coma .
11 If , as I have tried to show , the acquisition of the ego and superego were such important aspects of economic adaptation , first to hunting and then to cultivation , it is clear that the very success of the latter threatened to compromise the psychological foundations on which it was based .
12 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
13 The mill was originally converted from fulling to corn and then to silk in 1747 .
14 Trying to convince people the project was worth pursuing was not easy , and over a long period personal time had to be carved out to work on the project from time allocated to a variety of other activities ranging from textile fibres to films and even to electronics .
15 degree in 1948 : he proceeded rapidly from research student to lecturer and then to reader in dynamical climatology ( in the department of meteorology ) by 1949 .
16 Other litigation between Condy and A. D. Mitchell , who had joined the firm in 1870 , led at first to estrangement and then to reconstitution of the company as Condy & Mitchell Ltd. , with Mitchell and Henry Bollmann 's eldest son , H. J. Bollmann Condy , as managing directors .
17 The cases of Septrin followed the route backwards from Britain to Malaysia and back to Town 's Harrogate base .
18 Obedience is , of course , to God and not to man .
19 This was partly due to economy and partly to inexperience .
20 Jennifer looked from son to father and back to son .
21 He looked from Silver to Hazel and then to Fiver .
22 I see myself as one of these animals , and I await with resignation but with confidence the moment when either I live out my life as providence decrees or I die as prescribed , convinced that I shall thus be useful in two ways , first to France and then to humanity .
23 Colorectal cancer develops through a complex process from hyperproliferative mucosa to adenoma and eventually to carcinoma .
24 In other words , the assumption is that the transformation from money-capital to commodity-capital and back to money-capital again will find no external barriers , other than the market .
25 Addictive disease is simply the next in the progression from short sight to diabetes and on to epilepsy .
26 But even those of us who have never been anorexic and live in the affluent Western world must know , perhaps through some isolated experience of our own or others ' , that non-eating leads to fatigue and thence to depression .
27 Because of the consciousness of using the correct level of language in a conversation or discussion , any interpreter one engages may unconsciously modify statements going from English to Japanese and back to English again , according to the rank of the people involved .
28 During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century , the application of quantitative methods of science was extended to psychology and so to education .
29 At 14 , Hurston left home to work as a housemaid , then went back to school and on to university , where she studied literature and later anthropology .
30 That is what led Marx to history and then to anthropology as , in the course of his work , he pushed his analyses ever further backwards in the evolution of human society .
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