Example sentences of "to [pron] at [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're using a bank pamphlet given to them at the time as their evidence .
2 Others wrote about what Walter Machin 's books had meant to them at the time of their publication , and to these Viola wrote faintly magisterial replies of thanks and interest which usually also contained subtle plugs for the two books which were as yet unpublished .
3 For the purpose of its own capital gains base cost the purchaser of assets buys those assets at the value attributed to them at the time of purchase .
4 They must be considered reasonable by the parties to them at the time of entering into the contract and they must also be seen as reasonable from an objective point of view .
5 It must be said before we proceed further that this model is so new that no handbook was available to me at the time of writing .
6 I turned to Jamie and then the girl , cleared my throat and said quite clearly : ‘ I did n't know if you two ever shared or , indeed , still do share , for that matter , for all that I know , at least mutually between yourselves but at any rate not including me — the misconception I once perchanced to place upon the words contained upon yonder sign , but it is a fact that I thought the ‘ union ’ referred to in said nomenclature delineated an association of working people , and it did seem to me at the time to be quite a socialist thing for the town fathers to call a street ; it struck me that all was not yet lost as regards the prospects for a possible peace or at the very least a cease-fire in the class war if such acknowledgements of the worth of trade unions could find their way on to such a venerable and important thoroughfare 's sign , but I must admit I was disabused of this sadly over-optimistic notion when my father-God rest his sense of humour-informed me that it was the then recently confirmed union of the English and Scottish parliaments the local worthies-in common with hundreds of other town councils throughout what had until that point been an independent realm — were celebrating with such solemnity and permanence , doubtless with a view to the opportunities for profit which this early form of takeover bid offered . ’
7 Newman referred to himself at the time as a ‘ benevolent despot ’ .
8 We must confirm to you at the time of booking that there is a free or reduced price holiday still available on the departure date you require .
9 If , for example , the reasons described seem unfair or conflict with what was said to you at the time of your dismissal , and you are eligible for unfair dismissal rights , the next step might be for you to make a complaint to the industrial tribunal .
10 No ifs , no buts … the price confirmed to you at the time of booking is the price you pay .
11 ‘ You 've made sure that I am seen talking to you at the time of this man 's arrest in a public place .
12 Consisting of off-the-shelf commercial equipment that anyone might buy , it included the Sony video camera that was still signed out to him at the time of his arrest by the FBI in 1990 on a trumped-up passport charge .
13 She smiled nervously at Sergeant Phyllis Henley , who had been kind to her at the time of their parents ' ungainly departure from life , but uncompromising .
14 The second buyers compounded the goods into food for birds and the third buyers bought the compound and fed it to poultry which died because , unknown to anyone at the time of supply , the compound included minute traces of poison rendering it unfit for poultry .
15 Our classification of references to the care programme approach along a hypothetical assimilation-adaptation continuum suggests that roughly half of local authorities which mention the care programme approach in their plans seemed to have assimilated it , and half were adapting to it at the time of composing the community care plan .
16 But in a reply to a letter from prospective Stockton South Labour MP John Scott , a senior ambulance officer says : ‘ The account was submitted not to the patient but to a relative whose name and address were given to us at the time of the booking .
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