Example sentences of "to [pron] at [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then when we came out we s went around London to see the sights but the decorations but why we went I did n't think anything to them at all this year .
2 And our comment to them at that particular stage was , ‘ Well , if that 's the case that 's the case .
3 Barn owls have one ear slightly higher than the other , so sound comes to them at two different pitches .
4 I thought you would be interested to see some of the questions raised by Members so far , and I am enclosing these and the responses to them at this current stage of our thinking .
5 The trouble with anonymous contributions to this page , not that I 'm not grateful for anything I can get , is that the people who send them ca n't get a lovely Community Care mug whereas those like Nicholas Holbrook , ( see below ) who refuse to hide their creative light under a bushel , have a mug winging its way to them at this very moment .
6 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
7 Please write to me at 20 Upper Ground , London SE 1 9PF .
8 Even Tokyo 's toll-charge system , built in the 1960's , is only two lanes wide and narrows to one at some key junctions .
9 The question whether it would ever be right to move to one at some distant date is separate .
10 The outlines of his life are familiar but , because it fell into three parts separated by place as well as time , it is obscure in detail even to those who were closest to him at any given time .
11 You ca n't stick your oar in like that to her at any old time can you , really ?
12 The report says applications to mine at 652 new sites in England and Wales have been made this year .
13 You 're talking to it at this very moment , you 're talking it out , you 're talking it down , and you want my help .
14 You come to us at First National Bank for a loan .
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