Example sentences of "to [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is up to them to make the first move . ’
2 ‘ The world has changed , ’ Lagerfeld says , turning to me to explain the unlikely combination of a Chanel jacket and cycling shorts .
3 I feel no qualms about taking sides against these contributions , nearly all of which seem to me to disregard the Criminal Law Revision Committee Report and to neglect to analyse the meaning in its context of the word ‘ appropriate . ’
4 These authorities seem to me to leave the developing law , if not at the crossroads , at least at the junction of two diverging roads .
5 I have told my childhood story because it seems to me to parallel the general evolution of a progressive , child-centred approach to learning .
6 It is always a lie and never the truth , ’ Questionable though that judgement may be on the aphorism in general , it does seem to me to catch the half-formed nature of this observation — or perhaps , better speaking , its lack of a frame .
7 I rather deplore the recent manifestation of Pop ; it does n't seem to me to have the intellectual force of the art of the Sixties .
8 Because what I 'd like to do is give people a view as to how they can best formulate their letters to you to get the right kind of reply from you .
9 And so , parents that may be listening , it sounds as if it 's up to you to provide the basic training to enable the schools to do their part .
10 I have been asked to write to you to express the grave concern of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council about the proposed sale of the piece of land adjacent to Wyresdale Crescent Scorton by Wyre Borough Council Land and Properties Sub-Committee .
11 If Bloom is every kind of Dubliner it is because it falls to him to transact the unfinished business , to enact it and to get beyond it without dazzling gifts .
12 If he was at all interested it was up to him to make the first move .
13 Then it would be up to him to make the next move .
14 Mendès-France thereby demonstrated that it was more important to him to keep the French army free from supranational controls than it was to prevent German rearmament .
15 The fall of France , in June 1940 , appeared to him to present the ideal opportunity for the redistribution of her overseas possessions .
16 Now he looked up , and Lachlan was hard put to it to meet the bitter glare .
17 As in 1813 the people looked to us to destroy the Napoleonic terror , so today in 1943 they look to us to destroy the terror of National Socialism .
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