Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to my neighbour on the other side , this apartment contained something very unusual in the way of leggy redheads .
2 Well , to get to my concept of the legal definition in this State , there 's no question that he was .
3 This analogy is in every way applicable to my concept of the stratigraphical column .
4 I walked back to my sock in the thin rain .
5 Obviously , I did not receive an answer to my question from the Scottish Office and , even under the priority written procedure , I have not yet received an answer from the Secretary of State for Transport .
6 That was due to my enthusiasm for the excellent achievements of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister at Maastricht .
7 ‘ I have sent them to my brother in the Northern Capital until you solve this for us . ’
8 In the book I quote a letter from my father when I was at Cambridge , and I remember talking to my father about the National Gallery as early as 1928 .
9 I climb up to my room from the small courtyard by a steep wooden ladder and stoop through the doorway , as I must through all the doorways here .
10 AS AN addendum to Mr Robson 's letter ( HAS February 24 ) , last year I did what we are always urged to do I wrote to my MP with the self same complaint .
11 Ed , — Thank you very much for sending the LINK magazine to my husband for the past few years .
12 This was most forcefully brought to my attention during the formative stages of a literature-search project conducted by an associate and myself .
13 I take a political position according to my belief in the particular issue , and it never coincides in respect of more than one issue with that of any particular party .
14 ( The retention of the single ground-line for the Centauromachy is probably due to its adaptation to the narrow field of the vase-neck ; other reminiscences of the same picture do show broken ground . )
15 Eugenics owes its specific place in our history to its influence on the emergent pedagogy of sex education .
16 Having done that , it reaches one leg across to its equivalent on the other side , removes the accumulated pollen from the comb with a stiff brush that sprouts from the end of the leg and transfers it into a deep bowl lying on the outer surface of the opposite thigh .
17 In splendid confirmation of Vine and Matthews 's hypothesis , it was found that the age of each sample was proportional to its distance from the mid-ocean ridge .
18 As a result of these specific , socially constructed functions : ‘ Speech is often evaluated socially according to its closeness to the written language , which explains why standard spoken English is probably closer to written English than is any other spoken variety .
19 Sun Microsystems Inc has been sending out some rather confusing messages of late with regard to its position over the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment — DCE — initiative , which is more or less completely opposite to its own Open Network Computing , ONC environment .
20 Observers agree that the soft drink sector is an altogether better bet for the company , which in addition to its strong Schweppes brands has added most of Perrier 's non-water brands and the best-selling Euro-brand Gini to its portfolio in the past two years .
21 Each remaining party is allotted a number of the Bundestag 's 496 seats proportionate to its share of the amended overall total of votes .
22 That purchase added around 3 percentage points to its share of the liquid milk market , taking it to 16 per cent , where it is now snapping at the heels of the second-largest operator , Dairy Crest , the marketing subsidiary of the MMB , which claims a market share of around 17 per cent .
23 Each party 's entitlement of seats should be proportionate to its share of the total constituency votes received by candidates of all parties , and it would be met by the award ( if necessary ) of a number of additional seats so calculated as to " redress the distorted results in the constituencies " .
24 The sum of each party 's constituency members and additional members is proportionate to its share of the party-list votes , which are consequently the votes that determine the political composition of the Bundestag .
25 Having discussed the report with the client and explained the procedural rules relating to expert evidence , you must obtain the client 's express consent to its disclosure to the other side .
26 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
27 EF-1α catalyzes the binding of aminoacyl-tRNAs to ribosomes concomitant with the hydrolysis of GTP , while EF-1β β'; γ catalyzes the exchange of GTP for GDP bound to EF-1α subsequent to its release from the ribosome and stimulates the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomes .
28 We begin this section by providing a brief introduction to its calculation in the private sector , as this complements our discussion in the previous section and is a useful preface to considering what is an appropriate rate for public sector investment opportunities .
29 The data presented here suggest that these compounds may act by impairing the binding of IFN γ to its receptor on the colonic epithelial cell .
30 Some hold the view that there is an extra intensity to the sunlight due to its reflection from the chalky-white soil .
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