Example sentences of "have always been [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Council houses were sold and buses ‘ deregulated ’ ( although the housing association sector seems set to expand dramatically in the 1990s ) , but the bulk of existing public housing remained in council hands , and public transport has always been run on a semi-market basis , with the charging of fares coupled with separately identified public subsidy .
2 The Torbay line has always been run as a large-scale people mover and minimalist operation since the DVR took over the line in 1973 , but this stance failed to deliver the desired profitable results in 1991 .
3 For nearly thirty years that crusade has been regarded as one of his least successful , whereas a later British Crusade at Earls Court in London in 1966 has always been seen as a triumph .
4 ‘ She has always been seen as a typical Sloane Ranger .
5 The school library has always been seen as a source of information and resources for pupils and teachers .
6 In Christian thought , the family has always been seen as an essential unit in the community .
7 Finally , our success has always been based upon a sound strategic platform . ’
8 More generally , creation has always been understood as an act of God 's grace , something He could perfectly well have chosen not to do , rather than some kind of necessary mechanism through which He ensured His own existence .
9 Videoconferencing has always been touted as a major use for ISDN .
10 Music has always been written for a purpose , be it a wedding , a funeral or a birth , and people have always been paid for it .
11 In traditional moral thought hypocrisy , like lying , has always been detested as a sin against the fundamental principle of human communication , namely that language was given to mankind so that we may express our thoughts and feelings openly , honestly .
12 Connie 's family moved to here in 1914 , and ever since then have taken a particular interest in the third-of-an-acre garden which has always been maintained in a traditional cottage garden style .
13 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
14 Throughout the Far East , the tiger has always been regarded as an animal of magical properties .
15 For example , the distribution of the labour force between agriculture and industry has always been regarded as an important indicator of economic growth , if not precisely development , because most of the present advanced industrial societies , in particular the United Kingdom and the United States , exhibited a marked tendency to reduce their agricultural labour force while increasing their industrial labour force .
16 In fact the Minke whale , the smallest species , has always been hunted with a non-explosive grenade .
17 He ends by dismissing abstract art as leading , by its own logic , back to the blank canvas which once again requires the painter to put something on it : ‘ but with the knowledge that the greatest painting has always been made from a real love of the object ’ .
18 In other words , despite all the efforts of people anxious to prove otherwise , the fact is that man 's need for a ‘ god ’ has always been met as a result of his own efforts , and at no time supernaturally .
19 It has always been acknowledged as a superior rice and with the move to whole grains , brown Basmati is now much in demand .
20 Weisstein declares that ‘ biology has always been used as a curse against women ’ ( quoted in Halpern 1986 : 1015 ) .
21 Handy accepted the appointment in 1977 as an alternative to joining the church , and his management thinking has always been marked by a belief that companies ought to be about more than performance and profitability .
22 Criticism in this space during an inexorable slide this season has always been delivered with a heavy heart .
23 It has always been bred with an emphasis on good food conversion rates , whether for the production of meat or milk .
24 President Reagan 's Strategic Defense Initiative , announced in 1983 , has always been accompanied by a strong element of criticism of existing US nuclear policy , but it may turn out to be a good deal less than the promised means of freeing the world from the scourge of nuclear weaponry .
25 from Birmingham says hanging upside down has always been known as a cure in the Far East and it does work .
26 In his most dire reference to ‘ the extermination of Jewry in Europe ’ , in his November speech to the Party ‘ Old Guard ’ , he stated : ‘ I 've always been scorned as a prophet .
27 The union had already shown some opposition to aspects of Government policy , but this had always been voiced in a guarded or indirect way in its newspaper .
28 It was surprising because the group had always been perceived as a solid fourpiece and Charman was often vociferous during interviews .
29 The pleasure of the theme park , then , is that of a voluptuously total immersion in what had always been perceived as an exclusively visual experience .
30 Mr Fitton yesterday made clear that he had always been acting in an independent capacity in the offer for Eagle , and that it had no connection with Braithwaite .
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