Example sentences of "have always been [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The library , in which the tradition of Warburg is enshrined , has always been seen as the Institute 's essential purpose .
2 For it has always been said of the eucharist that precisely it is not a play about the last supper — in which case the celebrant had best be male and semitic in appearance .
3 And oddly enough , that discussion and analysis has always been coloured by the extra-linguistic ideology of sexual difference and male superiority .
4 Neighbouring Middlesbrough has always been developed as the regional centre .
5 Protection from pure competition is known as " a covenant in gross " and has always been rejected by the courts .
6 The FCC competition has helped to concentrate the minds of everyone in the broadcast industry on the digital technology which has always been employed by the computer industry .
7 History has always been conceived as the movement of a resumption of history , as a detour between two presences .
8 The depiction of battle has always been tempered by the social climate , as Ann Kodicek discovers in her study of war art past and present .
9 The depiction of battle has always been tempered by the social climate , as Ann Kodicek discovers in her study of war art past and present .
10 Child instruction has always been hampered by the age-old problem posed by constraints of religion .
11 Provision for the subsistence of those no longer working has always been made by the community .
12 At nineteen she is the youngest of four children and has always been treated as the " little one " .
13 Throughout India it has always been symbolised in the form of the hooded serpent or Cobra .
14 The payment of the year 's charge by a single payment , that is a lump sum payment , has always been linked to the date when recovery procedures can commence in order that lump sum payers are subject to the same recovery procedures as monthly instalment payers .
15 Historically and culturally , it has always been linked to the continent .
16 Modern constitutionalism then has always been linked with the problem of power , in theory as well as in practice .
17 ‘ The BBC has always been classified as the station which tells the truth and they should make sure their research has been properly done before they publish anything else . ’
18 Apart from this unfortunate monarch , a good deal of interest has always been shown in the site , with a long sequence of systematic excavation from 1906 down to the present day .
19 The most dangerous aspect of rock ‘ n ’ roll has always been to succumb to the mythical lifestyle that leads down the path of destruction .
20 An annual event for five years , the tug o'war has always been won by the Lords .
21 Fare-fixing ( two or more airlines fixing a price for a route ) has always been forbidden by the EC , but that has n't stopped it .
22 The evidence of these obstacles and resistances is plain enough , not only in the slow , uncertain and frequently subverted extension of the right to vote which I have already indicated , but in the bitter hostility and violence that has always been directed against the attempts of ordinary citizens and workers to organize themselves in trade unions , cooperatives , community action groups , and similar bodies .
23 The thematic of historicity … has always been required by the determination of Being as presence …
24 He wrote : ‘ All the world and the glory of it , whatever is most attractive , whatever is most seductive , has always been offered to the Prince of Wales of the day , and always will be .
25 An important clue to this act of discrimination has always been found in the existence of regularities , especially where they make prediction possible .
26 Six months later Michele gave Lucia a ring , which has always been known as the doge 's ring … ’
27 I 'd always been fascinated by the people who live on the skid rows of our cities — the ones we regard as the scum of the earth .
28 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
29 His bullying tactics had always been reserved for the weaker sex , Virginia guessed bitterly .
30 Classification had always been based on the recognition of structural resemblances , and the advent of evolutionism merely transposed this enterprise into a search for real ( i.e. historical ) rather than purely formal relationships .
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