Example sentences of "have never [vb pp] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The successive run of seven is unique in cricket history — unequalled even by Yorkshire , which has never exceeded a sequence of four .
2 So far James has never given a scrap of trouble and has passed his MoT test with flying colours .
3 Most likely a first-time father has never seen a person in such pain and it 's also the person he loves most .
4 Claire has never seen a man in a leopardskin jockstrap before .
5 He 's conscious that safety-critical items such as tyres and brakes must n't be skimped on , but he 's not overly concerned about sticking to the recommended 6000-mile service schedule ; so far the Sierra has on average been serviced every 13,500 miles and has never seen the inside of a Ford dealer 's workshop .
6 There 's so much good stuff that has never seen the light of day .
7 Will the Lord President confirm that my hon. Friend the Member for Copeland ( Dr. Cunningham ) has never supported the introduction of a guillotine on the proceedings of a Bill without any agreement with the Opposition ?
8 Who among us , hand on heart , is prepared to say that he has never propelled a club through the air after fluffing a pitch in the weekend medal , or let slip an expression not to be found in the Royal and Ancient 's book of etiquette ?
9 He has never lost a case at trial .
10 It has never lost an artist from its record label , supposedly because it consists of many small and friendly individual companies .
11 John McEnroe has never made a secret of his desire , one day , to become the United States Davis Cup captain .
12 The US Congress has never uttered a word of criticism against the Israelis .
13 It may also be true , as Clinton says , that he has never broken the laws of his country .
14 She has never received a lira of State help , despite the fact that her brother , Giuseppe Ciarrapico , chairman of the Roma football team , was a close associate of ex-Prime Minister Andreotti .
15 He says his company paid seventy eight thousand pounds to promoters , and has never received a penny in refunds .
16 ‘ My child has never heard the sound of laughter , ’ said the woman , ‘ and I do n't want him to die without hearing it . ’
17 Mrs Thatcher has never declared a state of emergency .
18 He has never forgiven the FA for that and being the kind of character he is I 'd be very surprised if he did .
19 I feel for him , for he is a man who has never lived the life of a man , but only that of an overgrown schoolboy .
20 Quite apart from this practical difficulty , however , the truth is that English law has never applied the conception of ownership to land .
21 The position with the County Council is that while has no long term debt , it has never satisfied the tests of central government , for the capital control regime .
22 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
23 To the sensor it appears that all the energy has been reflected from point P on the ground whereas , in fact , it has not , because some has been scattered within the atmosphere and has never reached the ground at all .
24 Since making his debut against Pakistan in 1978–79 as a 19-year-old , he has never missed a Test through injury , a truly remarkable performance for a fast bowler .
25 Dr Mann , a leading American psychiatrist , has written : ‘ The church has failed me and most of my patients , because it has never discovered the secret of community fellowship . ’
26 ‘ Fem Sap has never recognized the sort of hierarchy which says that only published authors , or professors of literature , have something worth saying .
27 He has never admitted an awareness of Earth Mysteries as an inspiration for his work , but the walking of straight lines echoes not only leys but also the task of the Gaia Programme monitors who were required to take regular readings on straight lines out from ancient sites .
28 The German government has never spent a lot of money on culture , and after reunification it cut the social , not the cultural , budget which is absurdly low anyhow .
29 The small Year Niner usually looks a bit blank — possibly because she has never considered the possibility of either heaven OR hell lying at the foot of the ropes in the sports hall — and responds with a vague , ‘ Uh ? ’
30 Let him who has never lifted the seam of a cricket ball cast the first stone . ’
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