Example sentences of "have never [vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The UK has never operated on the basis of giving subsidised loans ( as in France ) instead of capital grants for investment schemes , though there is no reason why such a system should not be instigated .
2 He has never flinched from the job in hand , ’ said the judges .
3 He has never gone through the pain and never will , nor will he ever suffer from post-natal depression , morning sickness and the list goes on .
4 The Centre asked for two studies ; one on terms of survival , and one looking at the quality of life ( though the latter has never gone beyond the pilot stage ) .
5 Simon Wigg has been at the top of his sport for a decade but has never ridden on the road .
6 Now the director general of Bellas Artes , Jose Maria Luzón cites the EEC as the reason why they are retracting this gesture , although in fact Brussels has never legislated on the matter .
7 On 5 June , Gavin Laird of the Amalgamated Engineering Union rightly said on ’ Channel 4 News ’ : ’ It has never worked in the past ; there is no logic for it ; it does not work in any other country and it certainly will not work in Great Britain . ’
8 The Hague Conference has never worked in the field of criminal law .
9 I then rang the Family Health Authority er myself , and they 'd never heard of the person and had no trace of of the name I gave them .
10 They did n't have them at the bookshop I went to , they 'd never heard of the magazine , and a friend of mine who writes poetry said he was certain it did n't exist . ’
11 He 'd been right when he 'd said she was shrewish , though she 'd never suffered from the malady before .
12 He 'd never hankered after the travelling life .
13 I think a lot of it was to do with the fact that I 'd never driven in the dark before .
14 Ooh you 'd have never got down the road .
15 No I 've never heard of the mill being on anywhere different from where
16 ‘ I 've never heard of the firm and simply ca n't imagine what this is all about , ’ Harry said .
17 I 've never heard of the make before ( Melos ) , but it 's a nice machine and I 'll be sorry when the tape wears out .
18 We 've never jumped on the bandwagon 'cos it 's clearly going to end in tears , but there 's definitely been a vibe that has n't been around since the days of the Buzzcocks and The Electric Circus .
19 But if this is what love does to you , it 's perhaps just as well you 've never suffered from the malady before . ’
20 While I agree with the importance that this test places on friendship , I 've never agreed with the idea that the more friends the merrier .
21 If you 've never come across the publication before , it is an essential purchase for any would-be freelance photographer and the well established alike .
22 Well I 've never signed on the dole so
23 I 've never subscribed to the deification of Nick cave and still do n't subscribe to the theory that says ‘ difficult ’ or ‘ dark ’ music is somehow better than squeaky-clean pop , but ‘ The Mercy Seat ’ and ‘ The Good Son ’ automatically establish a tone of commanding bleakness , Cave scuttling the stage like a wretch possessed and the band striking bunslinger poses .
24 I never list I 've never listened to the tape
25 Jaq felt profoundly glad that he had never studied in the school of Assassins .
26 The responses could be analysed for differences in opinion depending on the time since the respondent had suffered from the illness or between those who had ever and those who had never suffered from the illness in question .
27 The Prince 's other favourite place to paint , and indeed to be , is Italy , which , for all his travels , he had never visited until the spring of 1985 .
28 He had never asked about the child , partly from a kind of delicacy but mainly because he preferred not to think of her as a mother , and she had volunteered no information about Timmy or his father .
29 Harry had never heard of the man , but his status and circumstances sounded disturbingly similar to his own .
30 He obviously had never heard of the Order of Merit or I am quite sure he would have mentioned it at that time .
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