Example sentences of "have only [verb] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Chancellor may decide to encourage greater use of diesel : however , he has only limited scope for any price differentiation between DERV and petrol , for since December diesel has actually been 10 pence per gallon more expensive than unleaded petrol .
2 Add to this the facts that each chief executive has only limited authority over many of his staff and that much of the finance of this complex body is handled by a separate company accountable to Parliament , and it might well be enough to make Lord Hanson heave or Tiny Rowland throw in the towel .
3 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
4 I 've only to let relatives in this afternoon .
5 We 've only had experience of two — that 's where the effect continues to build , continues to escalate , with continuous Darkfall strikes .
6 ‘ But I 've only had sex with one person , ’ you say .
7 He said , I 've only got eyes for one person .
8 Juliet had only seen windows like these in stately homes .
9 General Hawley had only reached Edinburgh on 6 January , and having built up his strength , wrote optimistically of ‘ driving the rascally scum out of Stirling ’ .
10 Waldheim , a former UN Secretary-General , had been banned from entering the United States , and during his term as President had only paid visits to various Islamic countries ( including Iraq and Iran — see pp. 37759 ; 38309 ) and to the Vatican .
11 Melissa was about to retort that as she had only known Bonard for three days he could hardly be described as a friend of hers , when a surprised , ‘ Well , what do you know ? ’ from Jack made them both glance round .
12 This was to be my first climb on ‘ real rock , ’ as I had only experienced exercises on short problems in an old gritstone quarry during the previous winter .
13 They have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of language-teaching methods , but they lack knowledge of the methods and materials used to teach their native language as a foreign language in the UK , and have only limited familiarity with British secondary education — the school system , teacher and pupil roles and expectations , curricula , assessment and exams .
14 Such cells have only achieved efficiencies of 5–6 per cent , due mainly to problems with the junction between the two solids .
15 Apart from quartz and the feldspars , most minerals are dark in colour , so basic rocks with no quartz tend to be dark-coloured , while acid rocks are much lighter and usually have only isolated specks of dark minerals .
16 So far we have only considered enthalpies of chemical reactions .
17 Otherwise I have only confused memories of large rooms , the marbled walls ornately inlaid , of men in gorgeous robes , of others more humbly dressed , of rows of shackled elephants , and of wild animals fighting in an amphitheatre for our entertainment .
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