Example sentences of "have been the [noun sg] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 But to my mind even more sinister has been the development of some forms of ‘ industrial ’ fishing .
2 THE RISE of sea level predicted as a consequence of global warming has been the subject of some spectacular doom-mongering since the greenhouse effect leapt to prominence .
3 The importance of this development has been the subject of some debate .
4 Why some of these experiments should be more successful than others at revealing group differences has been the subject of some experimental investigation .
5 It has been the subject of some concern by those who feel that local authority officers should be completely divorced from party political connections .
6 In recent months the presidential asset has been the subject of some distinctly unflattering news articles , including a long Vanity Fair magazine story that painted her as an autocrat angry with her husband and out of touch with her family .
7 The impact of the rise of the English Arminians and the scale of their departure from pre-1625 theological norms has been the subject of some considerable historical debate over the last few years .
8 The nature of the nasal sacs in heterostracans has been the subject of some debate .
9 Inheritance has been the subject of some of the most important scientific discoveries of the past century .
10 As you may know the agreement has been the subject of some discussion , but I hope that now we have a form of words which recognises the interests of both parties to the agreement .
11 British Telecom 's prices — the undertaking has been the subject of some criticism in the press — have decreased by 20 per cent .
12 The June rally has been the scene of some classic battles between and never more than in 1990 when McHale won by just nine seconds .
13 Unbeknown to Norris , the sliver — a name given to tall narrow apartment buildings by New Yorkers — has been the scene of some pretty gruesome goings on .
14 In popular discussions of private education , grandparents emerge as people very likely to pay school fees ( Guardian 27 May 1986 ) and it certainly has been the case for some time that it is advantageous in taxation terms for them to do so , since grandparents can take out a deed of covenant to cover this payment whereas parents can not .
15 The frets are Jim Dunlop 6230 medium size and have been finished quite nicely , with no sharp edges protruding over the fingerboard , as has been the case on some Ibanez guitars in the past .
16 This case has been the occasion of some powerful comment in the press .
17 The manufacturers ' response has been the creation of some stunning artificial decor — plus some items that rate alongside flying ducks on the wall as pieces of what are called ‘ art bingo ’ at the PFK offices .
18 Such has been the reaction of some advice workers to race awareness training and anti-racist training .
19 This is a topic which has been the focus of some scholarly discussion , partly because Leonardo himself is known to have visited the city in 1500 , but mainly because Vasari , in the second edition of the Lives , stated that Giorgione had been greatly impressed by some unspecified works of Leonardo 's which he had seen .
20 Matters would have been made that much simpler had the guild clerk also been the parish clerk and it might well have been the case in some instances .
21 Presumably it had once housed families of civilian workers at the army camp , but before that it might have been the home of some isolated community of wild-fowlers or oyster-dredgers , with smuggling , probably , as their main source of livelihood .
22 Hence an important tool of management whose common usefulness could be judged by the essential partners to collaboration failed to provide what had appeared to be promised — and one says " appeared " because it may have been the wish of some college managers not to allow information by which their efficiency might be judged to become available to other parties .
23 As a career move , it was a disaster : for the past 300 years , he has been remembered almost solely for having been the butt of some of Dryden 's most swingeing satirical couplets .
24 This does not have to have been the winning of some special prize or coming first in every race .
25 Until it is universally accepted that nobody whatsoever has title to property other than that held under rules to be agreed and laid down by all humankind , as distinct from those alleged to have been the product of some ‘ god ’ or other , will the first step towards formulating those rules have been taken .
26 That is , the " manifest dream 's " apparently irrelevant and unpredictable content was actually deemed to have been systematically arrived at from a " latent dream " , whose implicit content had been the subject of some extensive dreamwork .
27 Rightly or wrongly , Branson suspected that a Music Week reporter had been the source of some stories ( others , he suspected , had been planted by John Varnom ) .
28 If her own marriage had been the result of some matchmaking , so too was Andrew 's marriage to Sarah later that year .
29 A consequence had been the loss of some of the not-so-bright children of local tradespeople or farmers ( who now looked to the independent schools ) , and some alleged decline in the social standing of the school within the town .
30 This is somewhat ironical in that , as we shall see , it is Engels 's anthropological enthusiasm and his trust in Morgan which has been the source of many of the points in his work which appear now as unacceptable to anthropologists and which have been the cause of some of the most damaging objections to his theories .
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