Example sentences of "have been given [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CYCLOSPORIN-A , a drug that can prevent the body rejecting bone-marrow transplants , has been given a licence for general use in Britain .
2 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
3 Michaela has been given a minder since the Hacienda .
4 Two senior boys have expressed an interest in attending a course to enable them to participate more in the running of the club [ the J.G.V.A. has agreed to pay their fees ] a volunteer Diane Prior has joined the staff , Laura Brown has been given a date for mini bus driving test , two staff members have attended a Youth Work Conference for South West Edinburgh — G. Lightheart has ordered new equipment .
5 Two senior boys have expressed an interest in attending a course to enable them to participate more in the running of the club ( the J.G.V.A. has agreed to pay their fees ) a volunteer Diane Prior has joined the staff , Laura Brown has been given a date for mini bus driving test , two staff members have attended a Youth Work Conference for South West Edinburgh — G. Lightheart has ordered new equipment .
6 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
7 Their development has been entrusted to the Countryside Commission , which has been given a grant of £600,000 to set up a co-ordinating committee for each forest .
8 Locus Computing Corp has been given a grant by the US National Science Foundation to investigate system software optimised for networked portable computers .
9 One approach that has been given a lot of importance is distinctive feature analysis , which is based on the principle that phonemes should be regarded not as independent and indivisible units , but instead as combinations of different features .
10 Sheffield 's Fidel Castro Smith has been given a reward for going so close to beating Henry Wharton in their exciting super-middleweight fight at Leeds United 's Elland Road this week .
11 Each key contrastive feature of grammar or phonology has been given a number in brackets ( [ F 1 ] , [ G 1 ] , etc. ) and these will be used elsewhere in the book when reference is made to these specific features of the language varieties in contact .
12 Ironically , at the eleventh hour the plight of the belugas has been given a boost by the success of whale-watching cruises in the St Lawrence .
13 WHEELCHAIR tennis has been given a boost in the province in the wake of a successful clinic which was staged at the CIYMS club in Belfast .
14 Soccer coaching for girls in Bristol has been given a boost from British Gas South Western .
15 The Foreign Office has been given a seat at the Natural Environment Research Council , which funds the BAS .
16 A JUDGE nicknamed Zorro has been given a wigging for kissing a pretty court usher .
17 Is my hon. Friend aware that while Derbyshire county council 's policies have led to the redundancies of hundreds of teachers recently , and while Derbyshire is the only county in England to have fewer policemen than 10 years ago , none the less the county council 's job creation priorities have managed to find no fewer than three posts at £40,000 per annum for former Labour councillors and Members of Parliament , the council leader has fitted himself up with a job at an annual equivalent salary of £40,000 , the leader of the Derbyshire Labour party — one David Skinner — has been given a job as a minder to Japanese business men despite being kicked out of the council for corruption 15 years ago , and his wife has been given a job at £23,000 per annum in the council 's bloated publicity department ?
18 Is my hon. Friend aware that while Derbyshire county council 's policies have led to the redundancies of hundreds of teachers recently , and while Derbyshire is the only county in England to have fewer policemen than 10 years ago , none the less the county council 's job creation priorities have managed to find no fewer than three posts at £40,000 per annum for former Labour councillors and Members of Parliament , the council leader has fitted himself up with a job at an annual equivalent salary of £40,000 , the leader of the Derbyshire Labour party — one David Skinner — has been given a job as a minder to Japanese business men despite being kicked out of the council for corruption 15 years ago , and his wife has been given a job at £23,000 per annum in the council 's bloated publicity department ?
19 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
20 A draft European Community regulation proposing that producers label their food-stuffs with a Protected Graphical Indication ( PGI ) or Designation of Origin ( PDO ) has been given the thumbs-down at the consultation stage with trade bodies describing it as ‘ protectionist and unnecessary ’ .
21 Major 's sporting friend , David Mellor , has been given the Ministry of National Heritage , which covers broadcasting , tourism , sport , and the arts , and thus has rather more to it than Waldegrave 's new outfit .
22 The Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) has been given the responsibility of gathering together and adding to what is known about the risks .
23 These lethal little amphibians belong to a family that has been given the name of poison-arrow frogs .
24 BELFAST 'S prestigious Castle Court complex has been given the all-clear by experts worried by bizarre glass explosions at modern buildings .
25 But he has been given the all-clear after an operation last week to remove a second disc from his neck .
26 The European Court of justice has been given the power to fine member states for having failed to comply with a Court judgment .
27 With plans afoot for the redevelopment of part of the Cretan Knossos estate of Sir Arthur Evans , close by his former house the Villa Ariadne , a team from Birmingham University has been given the go-ahead for a new excavation .
28 DAVE McAULEY has been given the go-ahead by a British Boxing Board doctor to resume full training after arm and foot injuries for his IBF flyweight title defence against Dodie Penalosa , of the Philippines , which the IBF insists must take place by 7 December .
29 A LAW allowing courts to lock up child criminals as young as 12 has been given the go-ahead by Mr Clarke .
30 A LAW allowing the courts to lock up child criminals as young as 12 has been given the go-ahead by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke .
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