Example sentences of "have been [v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 The Government needs to find extra money from somewhere and has been considering all sorts of options .
2 Cloud has been affecting most parts of the Midlands today but not quite as much as up there in Scotland although that 's gon na make a bit of an impression on us tomorrow .
3 Bankers say the central bank has been selling vast amounts of put options — often up to DM1 billion ( $135m ) a day — that grant the right to sell pesetas for a fixed amount of D-marks by an agreed future date .
4 For two years now , the first Astra has been broadcasting 16 channels of TV programmes , including Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Channels , right across Europe .
5 The burning of hospital waste is certainly relevant in my area because , for years St. George 's hospital , Tooting has been burning enormous quantities of such waste — often for days on end .
6 VAUXHALL has been giving more details of changes and additions to its range for the sales year .
7 An aerospace company which has been making large numbers of workers redundant has won a two hundred million pound order .
8 An aerospace company which has been making large numbers of workers redundant has won a two hundred million pound order .
9 Hence , the argument runs , even without central financial control most local councils would have been providing similar levels of services .
10 Trade unions representing ambulance workers and National Health Service ( NHS ) management agreed on Feb. 23 on a phased pay increase for ambulance workers , who since September 1989 had been taking varying degrees of industrial action [ see p. 37160 ] .
11 For many years the Accounting Standards Committee ( the ASC ) of the accountancy bodies had been producing valuable Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAPs ) and had done its best to ensure that they were observed — not always successfully since the Statements had no statutory recognition .
12 She had been experiencing considerable feelings of grief about her husband and had been able to cry on occasions .
13 Previous to the CITES ban on ivory , Japan had been buying 130 tonnes of ivory each year , which suggests a massive local demand for the new substitute .
14 The embassy in London had been sending disturbing accounts of Britain 's over-stretched economy and defence forces well before Labour took office .
15 Louis XV was not , however , enthusiastic about the scheme and , after trying for a year to interest him , de Broglie , a soldier , decided to pool his information and ideas with de Choiseul , who , controlling the Ministries of Marine , War and Foreign Affairs , had been making independent plans of his own .
16 The forest involved in the transaction had been losing substantial sums of money under Guyanese Government management .
17 As already explained , in the years since Chernobyl the nuclear industry had been spending increasing sums of money on publicity and advertising .
18 Police said that their two accomplices arrested in Ireland had been carrying several addresses of safe houses in France .
19 Ecclesiastical dignitaries had been contemplating certain reforms of their own , but pressure for a radical approach to the church 's problems had been generated by a rank-and-file priest and by laymen .
20 They 've been using enormous amounts of their own resources and expertise , to make life easier for , for the people who are going through their country .
21 And yet they 've been using enormous amounts of their own resources , both finance and , and manpower resources and expertise to make life easier for , for the people who are going through their country .
22 ‘ They 've been trying all sorts of stuff , ’ said Angalo .
23 I 've been doin' all sorts of jobs since then , and livin' in all sorts of lodgings , and now I 've been chucked out of me last place because I did n't 'ave any job or any money .
24 People have paid deposits of $500 … they 've been paying weekly payments of $125 so it could be quite considerable but it could run to thousands of pounds
25 But more recently banks have been providing other forms of merger funding-'mezzanine debt' , which does not rate as highly in terms of claims against the company 's assets , but provides additional financial resources .
26 In recent years the seedsmen and the chemical companies ( the latter are rapidly taking over the former ) have been producing new varieties of hybrid seeds , fertilizers , herbicides , pesticides , and fungicides , which together have made continuous monocropping feasible .
27 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
28 The position of the Dip.HE courses offered by the colleges and institutes of higher education has been causing the Welsh Office some concern because some of the units in specific subject areas which make up the courses have been recruiting small numbers of students : in 1980–1 , for example , between 30 and 40 per cent of them were enrolling fewer than eight students .
29 They have been paying ridiculous rents of up to DM120 for the little decent office space that now exists in eastern Berlin — about twice as much as they would pay for similar space in the western part of the city .
30 ‘ We have been putting 150 years of empirical behaviour onto one program so there have been inevitable delays , ’ he said .
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