Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] of a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some use has been made of a control suggested by Kurtz ( 1955 ) , in which the subjects received pre-training on a same — different task .
2 This is easiest to detect when the mound has been made of a material with a distinctive colour , such as chalk .
3 It is , I think , not untrue to say that too much has been made of an explanation of salvation couched primarily in terms of the law courts — crime and punishment — in which God the lawgiver demands and receives satisfaction .
4 If the judgment of the Court of Appeal on 4 October 1991 , finally deciding the compromise issue and the cancellation issue , was not a final judgment for the purposes of rule 2 of the Order of 1910 , then the petitioner has been deprived of an appeal to the Privy Council as of right , an unintended consequence of the decision by Wylie J. that , in the interest of justice and for the possible saving of time and expense , the compromise issue should be tried as a preliminary issue .
5 A 15-year-old schoolboy has been cleared of a sex attack on a policewoman .
6 A defendant 's costs order may also be made in the following circumstances : ( 1 ) by a magistrates ' court where an information has been laid before magistrates but not proceeded with ; or where the magistrates ' court inquiring into an indictable offence as examining justices determines not to commit the accused for trial ; ( 2 ) by the Crown Court where the defendant is not tried for an offence for which he or she had been indicted or committed for trial ; or the defendant who has been convicted of an offence before a magistrates ' court appeals against conviction or sentence and , in consequence of that appeal , the conviction is set aside or a less severe punishment is awarded ; ( 3 ) by the Divisional Court where it deals with any criminal appeal ; ( 4 ) by the Court of Appeal where it allows an appeal against conviction or sentence or on such an appeal finds the defendant guilty of a different offence or imposes a different sentence ; ( 5 ) by the House of Lords where it determines a criminal appeal , or application for leave to appeal .
7 This task will be easier if the plaintiff has been convicted of an offence under the Motor Vehicles ( Wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulations 1982 or the 1991 Regulations making the wearing of seat belts in rear seats by adults compulsory because that conviction will throw the onus on to the plaintiff who will have to show it was erroneous or irrelevant to discharge it .
8 It has been noted of a pioneer like Arkwright that he had " to train his workpeople to a precision and assiduity altogether unknown before , against which their listless and restless habits rose in continued rebellion " .
9 In the absence of truly definitive knowledge about Jesus , it seems to us more likely , more probable , more in accord with our experience of humanity , that a man should have been married and tried to regain his rightful throne than that he should have been born of a virgin , walked on water and risen from his grave .
10 Having been cured of an eye infection through the agency of St Martin , in 565 he decided to visit the saint 's shrine at Tours .
11 The great magician Merlin was said to have been born of a union between an incubus and a nun ; happily Merlin used his other-worldly powers of wizardry for good , rather than evil .
12 Many of them , for example , were supposed to have been born of a god and a virgin .
13 In Reg. v. Miles ( 1890 ) 24 Q.B.D. 423 it was held that a person who had been convicted of an assault by a court of summary jurisdiction , but had been discharged , without any sentence of fine or imprisonment , on giving security to be of good behaviour , could not afterwards be convicted on an indictment for the same assault .
14 Striker Jim Gardiner , who had been foiled of an opener in the 13th minute deflected for a corner by defender Ken Cairns , got well on target at his second clear attempt .
15 Residents had been warned of an explosion , he claimed , but had " acted like children " and failed to obey instructions given to them .
16 Gqozo said he had been forewarned of a coup plot , and the two conspirators were stopped by a police road block as they attempted to enter the capital , Bisho , from the direction of Transkei .
17 If the ships had been made of a material like glass they would have broken long before a crack became conspicuous .
18 The report stated that a study had been made of an incinerator at Bonnybridge in Scotland that suggested an increased level of twinning in cattle , and possibly in humans , that may have been linked with the emission of PCHs and other substances from the plant .
19 As he plundered her mouth Jenna was faintly aware that there was very little anger left in him ; this was complete sensuality , no doubt because he had been robbed of an evening with Claudine in his arms .
20 Like many other such deities Tammuz , for example , the god of ancient Sumerian and Phoenician mystery teachings , had been born of a virgin , died with a wound in his side and , after three days , rose from his tomb , leaving it vacant with the rock at the entrance rolled aside .
21 Hopes were high because it seemed that Britain might be prepared to modify its position : note had been taken of a speech made by Bevin in the House of Commons on 22 January 1948 when he commented that the idea of unity was undisputable and that ‘ the time is ripe for a consolidation of Western Europe ’ .
22 On Aug. 29 an amnesty was announced for all political prisoners , said by the authorities to number 66 ; of these 44 had been arrested after the inter-ethnic massacres of August 1988 , and the rest had been accused of a plot against the government in March 1989 .
23 She had been reminded of a school outing , with the guide leading the party in a crocodile down man-made stairways protected by iron railings , stopping every few yards to bombard his audience with statistics or manipulate the complex lighting and communication system .
24 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
25 Helped by Tempy and Gertie , neither of whom had experienced a birth before , Tamar had been delivered of a boy , quickly and with no trouble .
26 Householders and shopowners in the town have been warned of an influx of vermin from nearby marshlands .
27 Many of these prices are established in organised markets ( such as the stock exchange ) which , in recent years , have been freed of a number of restrictions on their activities .
28 The number of people who have been convicted of an offence and whose life stories were inspirations to others , or who have produced literature in , or after imprisonment is large . )
29 Video pictures have been released of a man who tried to snatch a baby girl from her pushchair .
30 It also reports that ‘ Labour supporters have been accused of a hate campaign against the Tory candidate challenging Neil Kinnock in Islwyn , Gwent .
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