Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think it must 've been hit by a car , ’ he said .
2 The Beach-heads hear they 've been cursed by a Swells SOTW
3 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
4 CHARLIE BISSET , a member of the elite club of players who have turned out for three Scottish districts , has been elected as an Edinburgh representative on the Scottish Rugby Union committee .
5 If he wins , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
6 If confirmed , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
7 At least one RAFALO has been elected to an Area Council .
8 They take this view because they are alive to the fact that since 1935 no government has been elected by a majority of the electorate and secured 50 per cent of the popular vote .
9 Looking to the future , filming has been completed on a Service Quality Development video on telephone techniques .
10 In Fig 36 an example is given of a holding pattern that has been completed in a time of 4 mins 28 secs .
11 Plans to develop Penang Hill , an isolated patch of forest on one of Malaysia 's most densely-populated islands , has been halted after a protest campaign .
12 However , its sale plan has been halted by a court action over the trusteeship of the collection and has already provoked the National Art Collections into stripping it of a grant .
13 Construction work on the world 's largest hydroelectric project , in Northern Quebec , Canada , has been halted by a ruling from the National Energy Board that the project must comply with federal guidelines on the environment .
14 It was the first time the company has been prosecuted for a hygiene offence .
15 The sun has been snatched behind a curtain of black cloud .
16 The clipboard copy of the trees has been pasted into a Cel in the Cel Editor .
17 Lucky Ebenezer , 74 , and his 75-year-old wife , who has been fitted with a heart pacemaker , will now be taking life much easier at their home in Aberystwyth , west Wales .
18 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
19 A thermal imaging camera , which can find and follow suspects even at night , has been fitted to a police helicopter .
20 In this case , it has been fitted to an HMV Gramophone ; it controls the rotational speed of the disc so it runs slowly when the soundbox is at the outside edge , and allows the record to speed up towards the inner radius .
21 Mr Kilfoyle has been invited to a conference on the area 's health services next month .
22 In gaining the title university , Napier has been recognised as a leader in higher education .
23 A service by Cromer 's Tyne class lifeboat Ruby and Arthur Reed II on 21 November 1990 has been recognised in a letter of thanks to the crew from the Chairman of the Institution .
24 Agency has been recognised in a number of international contexts .
25 The effect has been recognised in a number of studies , not least in my own .
26 The Volvo Cup is the world indoor championship , but Del Mar 's new stadium has been built without a roof .
27 Hailed as Britain 's most successful industrial investment and one of Europe 's largest and most complex engineering projects , the Sellafield plant has been built to a deadline set six years ago .
28 Fothergill says his company 's reputation has been built on a philosophy that views a lift as more than a metal cabin ; rather something which can add value to a building .
29 This is an old place , indeed a Roman place , as is known from an inscription which has been built into a chapel on top of the highest of the surrounding hills , and which is dedicated to a local Romano-Iberic divinity of the name of Herauscorritsehe , which can not have tripped too easily from the pious tongue .
30 For the first time , a mentally handicapped child has been built into a programme about normal people living in normal lives , rather than made the subject of a sensational film or documentary .
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