Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [adv prt] by [det] " in BNC.

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1 British infancy research has a well-established National , European and International reputation , and this has been built up by many eminent researchers working separately at their different institutions .
2 The letter from earlier in the year to the Chief Executive of the Council has been followed up by this department investigating its own use of peat — which is fairly limited .
3 At least as much interest has been stirred up by another special ability of the acoustic microscope ; to see beneath the surface , look into things , whether or not they are transparent to light and other forms of radiation .
4 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
5 ‘ In other words he has been taken in by all this ‘ financial advice ’ and guidance .
6 Wallerstein elaborated the concept of the semi-periphery to describe such countries , and this idea has been picked up by many scholars as a useful tool in analyzing the NICs and , increasingly , those countries that are on the fringes of the First World , but not exactly in the Third World , like Ireland , Portugal , and the Balkan states ( for example , Mouzelis , 1986 ) .
7 It is possible , though by no means proven , that the success of magnetic fields at 10 Hz in promoting healing is simply due to a type of replacement therapy , giving the patient a good-going dose of Earth 's magnetic field which has been drowned out by all the artificial , man-made frequencies surrounding us .
8 2.27 There must also be a discount for the uncertainties of life : the fact that the deceased might have been run over by another bus on the following day or that he was involved in a particularly hazardous occupation .
9 An ordinary person must have been put out by this .
10 The question , therefore , is nakedly raised by this appeal , whether your Lordships are now prepared , not only to overrule , as contrary to law , the doctrine stated by Sir Edward Coke to have been laid down by all the judges of the Common Pleas in Pinnel 's Case ( 1602 ) 5 Co.Rep. 117a , in 1602 , and repeated in his note to Littleton , 344 , Co.Litt. 212b , but to treat a prospective agreement , not under seal , for satisfaction of a debt by a series of payments on account to a total amount less than the whole debt , as binding in law , provided these payments are regularly made ; the case not being one of a composition with a common debtor , agreed to , inter se , by several creditors …
11 Having survived the early years of childhood , unlike so many of his siblings , he had been struck down by that other malady which afflicted a tragically high proportion of those who lived on into teenage years and beyond .
12 And yet , in her case , it did not appear to him that she had been struck down by any kind of ordinary post-natal depression , as Adams 's next words seemed to confirm .
13 We shall have to wait until each is announced , but the possibility of reopening new routes — a far cry from bus substitution — raises a new image for the sector which ten years ago had been written off by some people as a collection of unremunerative passenger railways .
14 ‘ That 's right , ’ replied the other Commando , ‘ If we had been screwed down by these Nazi bastards for four years , we would be doing more than pinching their boots . ’
15 If so , then it was a case of sweet revenge for Whittingham , who had been shot down by this unit over England during 1940 !
16 But that is not to take anything away from Rogallo whose researches with NACA at the Langley Research Center into Parawings were well known , and had been picked up by several inventive minds in the kite world .
17 A government spokesman confirmed on May 22 that China had conducted an underground nuclear test ; evidence of a major nuclear explosion had been picked up by several monitoring stations the previous day .
18 A crotchety old bugger ( any kid 's grandfather ) who had , in a state of terror , escaped in his machine from an advanced civilisation on a distant planet which had been taken over by some unknown enemy .
19 More recently Marrakesh had been taken over by some of the biggest names in haute couture .
20 Sally-Anne sometimes thought that her career as a housemaid had been sparked off by that remark as much as by anything else — that and discovering how hard life was in the East End , and her determination to write about it from the inside , rather than as a privileged outsider looking in .
21 A complete set of drills had been worked out by this time with , for example , five phases in recovering a swimmer after his recce .
22 She tried telling herself that he was just another idle aristocratic adventurer ; she had been looked over by several of the type and others of lesser breeding during her ten years in the public eye at the Fish .
23 We also did a very important er , technology transfer to Czechoslovakia , which er , unsubmersible pump neck technology and that 's tended to , to erm , hide a slight delcl er decline in the last quarter of the year , normally in oil most of the profit or more of the profit comes in the second half than the first , but with the Gulf War last year oil prices were pretty firm and er , so we 've made er , quite reasonable profits in the , in the er , first half and so too in the second half , but in the last quarter they 've been showed up by that technology er , transfer and the er , U S oil price is er , is , is er stag the U K's is stagnant , the U S is stagnant in oil and the gas prices are very , very far down , they 're well down .
24 The potential dangers of the unthinking use of league tables , however , as currently presented have been pointed out by several authors .
25 Sometimes , like Gardencourt and possibly Poynton , they have been bought up by those who admire their antiquity , but have no connection with their land or history .
26 He 's a gifted songwriter whose tunes have been taken up by some of the country 's top folk singers .
27 Those improvements which have been gained by the farm worker have often been by-products of trade union agitation in other industries or have been brought about by such external agencies as government action and technological innovation .
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