Example sentences of "have been [adj] in the first " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
2 ‘ Well , if he was repairing the machinery , it ca n't have been safe in the first place , can it ? ’
3 John Beaumont , who moved in 1550 from the Court of Wards to the Mastership of the Rolls , was as corrupt in his second post as he had been greedy in the first .
4 When Pound revised and expanded this to make The ABC of Reading ( the title is still a misnomer ) , he winkled out of it most of the anti-Englishness that had been present in the first version , when Pound was still smarting from what he took to be England 's rejection of him eight years before , in 1920 .
5 The second defendant also drove negligently and collided with the vehicles that had been involved in the first accident , killing the plaintiff .
6 In this Update , we hear from some of those who have been involved in the first year of the general SVQ pilot : students , teachers , lecturers , and trainers , as well as senior staff in colleges , schools , and training centres .
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