Example sentences of "have been [verb] up [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The lawn itself has been built up from strong flowing curves and these naturally lead the eye away from those rectangular boundaries .
2 For a while now the narrow house has been filling up with medical paraphernalia , with doctoring tackle .
3 That state sector has been made up of nationalized industries , and of extensive welfare services provided on the basis of need , and not on the basis of the ability to pay .
4 As more animals have been brought inside by the introduction of intensive feeding systems , so more land has been given up to arable production .
5 Scientists at Boston University , using remote sensing techniques , have found that the desert pavement of Kuwait , southern Iraq and Saudi Arabia has been broken up over large areas by the massed movement of vehicles during the war .
6 At court [ in the 17805 ] , where one is more constrained by etiquette , and old habits die hard , use of the baton has been kept up in grand ceremonial concerts .
7 She has been signed up as front-page girl for Vogue and a host of other glitzy US fashion magazines .
8 In what represents a text book case of technology transfer , it has been taken up by major operators in the pharmaceutical and general chemical industries such as SmithKline Beecham , Foster Wheeler and Monsanto .
9 The suggestion that the second person of the trinity , the Logos , is ‘ male ’ , but the Spirit should be seen as ‘ female ’ would appear to be common among more conservative Christians , Catholic , Anglican and Orthodox , and has been taken up by Christian feminists .
10 The national monopoly has disappeared and auctioning in France has been opened up to other Europeans , but auctioneers will remain officers appointed by the Minister of Justice .
11 While it is true that no major course development has been held up by administrative constraints , the range of decisions with administrative effects ( deadlines , counting rules , etc. , as well as the information base about approved fields ) imposes a permanent culture of change on the administration of the Course .
12 The government decided in 1973 to promote nuclear power , but the idea has been held up by unresolved questions concerning the environment .
13 As uncertainty about the fate of commercial galleries grows , the burden of showing new artists has been picked up by unexpected agents .
14 The Auditing Practices Board has issued a Practice Note for Lloyd 's auditors , which has been drawn up in close cooperation with the insurance market .
15 Already a list has been drawn up by Italian clubs who intend to buy British following Gazza 's incredible impact .
16 This new board has been set up with equal representation from CGLI and BTEC to validate and examine courses for the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education ( CPVE ) .
17 A democratic , parliamentary system of government has been set up with free elections at least once every five years .
18 A helpline has been set up for anxious parents .
19 The new sanctuary has been set up on dry prairie land south of Lac Leman .
20 This is only to be expected , since the Brasserie has been set up along similar lines to L'Auberge ( i.e. it has the same staff ) .
21 A new international organisation , the Forest Stewardship Council ( FSC ) , has been set up by environmental groups with the aim of setting worldwide standards for good forest management .
22 The Fondation Amazonie has been set up by Belgian film maker Jean-Pierre Dutilleux , formerly among the leading lights of pop singer Sting 's Rainforest Foundation .
23 Clearly , in order to save some money , the carousel has been set up in downtown Oslo , about ten kilometres away .
24 ‘ There is a suggestion that the Act has been dreamed up by left-wing lunatics , when in fact it was devised by a Conservative government after wide consultation , ’ NACRO 's director Vivien Stern told a conference on young adult offenders last month .
25 I 'd been brought up on heroic stories
26 Therefore either the customers must continually be changing identity ( so it is sensible for them to engage in some search ) and some expectation must have been built up about potential high benefits to search , or else search costs must be truly trivial , in order for the potential incumbent to stand a chance of usurping the established firm .
27 In my day — why , Sècheron would have been swallowed up by inner suburbs clustering round the old U.N .
28 The creation of this literature in Latin involved men whose native language was either certainly or probably not Latin : Livius Andronicus ' first language was Greek ; Ennius had Oscan ; Naevius , being a Campanian , probably also spoke Oscan as a child ; Plautus must have been brought up on Umbrian , and Terence apparently started with Punic .
29 These sporting contests between the house and the village ended with the arrival of a character who could have been dreamt up by central casting .
30 From Poolewe , a narrow road follows the coast to the headland west of Loch Ewe but is of interest only to the few residents alongside it , and visitors invariably continue on the A.832 to Gairloch , this road also having been brought up to modern standards .
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