Example sentences of "have been [verb] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 HUGH Halcro Johnson , a farmer at Orphir , has been elected the vice-convener of Orkney Islands Council .
2 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
3 One of Britain 's most popular athletes has been sharing the secret of his success with a group of schoolchildren .
4 These cases seem to indicate that the effect of RSC Ord. 53 , r. 3(7) has been to liberalize the law of standing .
5 The main idea here has been to exploit the existence of particles known as ‘ muons ’ which in some ways behave like electrons , but are some 207 times heavier and are unstable .
6 The current Government 's approach to local government finance — most notably through the poll tax fiasco — has been to destroy the independence of local authorities by reducing their powers to raise and spend revenue .
7 The try that has been reckoned the try of the World Cup ensures that .
8 This gulf is shown most dramatically in the surprise ending , which obliges us to re-evaluate our reading of the novel by revealing that the anonymous , timid and sensitive lad who has been narrating the story of his early life in the first person is none other than Jaguar , the aggressive bully we have seen ruling the roost in the school .
9 Mr Shahal , moreover , has been discussing the creation of a Palestinian police force for the West Bank and Gaza .
10 Throughout the winter and into the spring , the home-affairs committee of the House of Commons has been discussing the future of the levy .
11 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
12 It has been called the Dance of the Clouds .
13 It has been called the flower of Spain . ’
14 Luke has been called the Gospel of the Holy Spirit .
15 Those principles could well be applied to theology , which has been called the queen of the sciences .
16 History has been called the science of the future , so it seems a pity that this body of research comes up with virtually none of the solutions to the problems plaguing the American energy scene .
17 Next to Howard Hodgson , who has been called the tycoon of funeral directors .
18 Ancient Egypt has been called the infancy of the soul , but coupled with that innocence is the terrible knowledge of death .
19 The bereaved have always wished to ‘ remember ’ their dead , in the literal sense of reconstituting form and feature ; an integral part of this process has been to visualise the place of death and burial and , if possible , to visit it .
20 They tend to be the larger companies , I have to be fair , er , but er , one of the encouraging things from my point of view , and I , we started rather early , maybe fifteen , twenty years ago has been to see the growth of this particular sector , where people have moved progressively into , I think a much more enlightened posture in the last ten or fifteen years , and B I C , Business in the Community of course , have to take , I think much credit for that .
21 Secondly , the presumption behind such an approach is that once the characterisation has been made the content of natural justice is fixed and certain : all administrative matters would be subject to the same rules , as would all judicial or quasi-judicial .
22 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
23 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
24 The whole tenor of planning policy has been to restrict the presence of industry in the countryside and to preserve it as a largely pastoral backwater .
25 The most important effect of this degree of government control has been to render the House of Commons incapable of adapting its procedure to keep pace with altered administrative practices .
26 The Government 's approach has been to tackle the misuse of knives by tightening the law on possession of knives in public .
27 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
28 Major 's sporting friend , David Mellor , has been given the Ministry of National Heritage , which covers broadcasting , tourism , sport , and the arts , and thus has rather more to it than Waldegrave 's new outfit .
29 The Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) has been given the responsibility of gathering together and adding to what is known about the risks .
30 These lethal little amphibians belong to a family that has been given the name of poison-arrow frogs .
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