Example sentences of "have been [verb] most [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The enforcement behaviour of regulatory agencies has been explained most frequently in terms of ‘ capture ’ theory , according to which an agency is co-opted by those it seeks to regulate , incorporating and reflecting their concerns into its decision making in the interests of stability and self-preservation ( e.g. Selznick , 1966 ) .
2 This note challenges this particular thesis that has been developed most clearly in the writings of Peter Townsend , Alan Walker , and Chris Phillipson , and suggests that concentration on the concept of structured dependency has deflected attention away from more progressive and optimistic views of the economic social status of the elderly in modern Britain .
3 Since there is a preponderance of special libraries and information units in the science and technology subject areas and , in the light of UDC 's consultative revision policies , UDC has been developed most fully in the areas of science and technology .
4 The way in which the RMCs have developed has been analysed most interestingly by Nancy Foy in a survey of management education undertaken on behalf of the Foundation of Management Education , itself a body which has put a great deal of effort into stimulating initiatives in management education .
5 As we shall see , this is a point which has been made most forcefully by recent feminist writing .
6 This idea of the diversified , fully funded scheme ( that is , run to match assets with present and future pension liabilities ) has been applied most widely in America and Britain , where its principles have been written into law ; it has also spread into Japan but scarcely at all into Germany , where company pension reserves frequently remain invested in the firm 's own shares .
7 The relation between nationalism and industrialization/modernization has been formulated most fully by Gellner , in a model which brings together economic and cultural factors .
8 The cause of British nurses and nursing itself in the 1980s has been championed most consistently by Trevor Clay .
9 Our view of the Bill has been expressed most clearly by the Government themselves in their White Paper , ’ The Prison Disciplinary System of England and Wales ’ , which was published in 1986 in response to the Prior committee report .
10 This view has been expressed most effectively in an article by Fleay and Sanders .
11 This race has been seen most often in Chichester and Pagham Harbours ( 14 records comprising 67 birds ) , at Cuckmere Haven ( four records comprising 17 birds ) and at Pett Level ( four records comprising 24 birds ) .
12 At the upper end of the social and economic scale the mood of protest has been captured most effectively by the small but respected Republican Party .
13 Civil disobedience to obtain what the voters want has been used most effectively in poll tax demonstrations and non-payment campaigns .
14 It is a breathtaking tactic and has been used most dramatically in the debate over federalism .
15 The economic position has been put most forcefully by organizations representing professional musicians .
16 Would the streams have been flowing most rapidly in summer or in winter ?
17 But Forbes was unable to shake off the belief that new species were produced by the exertion of a supernatural agent — he proposed a strange theory of ‘ polarity ’ in which the creative power was supposed to have been exerted most strongly at the beginning and at the end of the history of life on earth .
18 At first the gospel of family limitation appears to have been spread most effectively among the middle classes before it percolated through to the working classes .
19 In my small way , because I felt that the whole business had been handled most unsatisfactorily by Baldwin and exploited by others , including the Archbishop of Canterbury , I plunged into the resulting controversy .
20 This time , however , she came by low loader rather than under her own steam and although it had been laid most expertly by BR staff , the track she was unloaded onto was several hundred yards from the nearest railway line .
21 He had been escorted back to the Vicarage by a plainclothes officer , not the one who had been working most closely with Commander Dalgliesh , but an older man , broad-shouldered , stolid , reassuringly calm , who had spoken to him in a soft country accent which he could n't recognize but was most certainly not local .
22 The result was that the all-union bodies which carried out these functions were seen as Russian bodies , and Russians took the blame for their shortcomings ; while Russia itself , one of the areas whose numbers had been increasing most rapidly before the revolution , was threatened with depopulation .
23 Its mechanisms have been studied most fully in vascular plants of commercial importance , for example cereals , green vegetables and shelter-belt trees , in temperate boreal regions that are subject to hard winter frosts ( Kaurin et al . ,
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