Example sentences of "have been [verb] not [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even in metal-using industries leadership has been lost not only by the UK but also by Europe .
2 In the last year , the same point has been echoed not only by the Bishop of Durham , but also by the Archbishop of Canterbury .
3 The demand for imported goods by the USA has been sustained not only by the growth of incomes during the economic expansion since 1982 but also by the considerable appreciation of the US dollar in foreign exchange markets between 1979 and 1985 ( the depreciation of the dollar beginning in March 1985 ) .
4 Khrushchev initially claimed ( in a report to the Supreme Soviet on 12 December 1962 ) that by installing the missiles in Cuba he acted in response to a Cuban request ; this has been contradicted not only by statements from Castro , but also by Khrushchev himself .
5 Bus competition has been hampered not only by road congestion but upheaval in the road-passenger industry .
6 US officials claim the Israeli has been involved not only in security matters in Panama but also in the drug traffic for which Gen Noriega , now hiding in the Vatican embassy , is wanted by Washington .
7 But this brutality and coercion has been seen not merely as a question of physical or ‘ external ’ coercion or constraint ; the force of subjection has also been seen as a psychic one , invading women 's very selves .
8 Does the Minister understand that the arrogance and insensitivity of his hon. Friend , who has not agreed to a meeting for about four months now , has been noted not just by Mr. Johnston but by every farmer in the north-east of Scotland ?
9 But another feature in the projects noted is that they have elements both of research and development in them , and the work has been pursued not just with one school but usually with several concurrently .
10 They would be helped by , and I am sure that they would welcome , a positive , upbeat statement from the hon. Member about the revived and renewed prospects for the north-east , which has been transformed not least by inward investment which is threatened by the Front Bench of the Labour party .
11 Since the bed was built , it has been used not only by the division , but also by other charities , and to date it has helped in raising £700 .
12 Up to 50 per cent of the rise in health spending in the United States has been attributed not only to the introduction of new technologies but to the inappropriate overuse of existing ones ( Banta and Thacker 1990 ) .
13 This healthy tone has been bred not only by the daily influence of the railways , but by the annual practice of ‘ going to the seaside ’ or making a tour , a practice undreamt of before railways , and now endemic …
14 The weighted capitation formula has been advanced not only as a mechanism for allocating national resources among the 14 regions but also for subregional allocation .
15 In considering curriculum change it is vital to understand that this tripartite hierarchy of status has been reproduced not only in the respective parity of esteem between different categories of subject but also to kinds of knowledge within subjects .
16 In animal studies , UV-B radiation has been shown not only to be carcinogenic , but also to alter the response of the immunological system ; this results in impeded recognition of a cancerous tumour as a foreign body .
17 Engel is German by birth but has lived in Britain for the last 20 years , and this mixed background has been reflected not only in Melancholia 's plot but in its production history , as it has been co-financed by the British Film Institute and the Hamburg company Lichtblick .
18 The Mediterranean , in its turn , has been overrun not only by tourists , but also by cacti from North America .
19 One of the more important consequences of this action — a consequence , incidentally , that we are still feeling the effects of — has been that demand for UK goods has been reduced not only in the UK but also in the other major industrialised oil importing nations .
20 Cnut 's taking of a second , imperial , crown may well have been stimulated not only by a position in Scandinavia which emulated that of Swegen , but by achievements in Britain which lay firmly in a tradition established by the greatest of his royal Anglo-Saxon predecessors .
21 Nevertheless , it is not certainly fictitious , for the paucity of English sources on the later years of Cnut 's reign makes their silence inconclusive , and Robert may have been moved not only by feeling for the æthelings and his apparent friendship for their sister Godgifu 's husband , Count Dreux of the Vexin , but also by memories of his rift with Cnut 's sister Estrith .
22 Without it , human diseases picked up by contact with their late owners could easily have been spread not only to the other apes at the station but to forest-living orangs with whom they mixed .
23 More and more decisions seem to have been concentrated not merely in Westminster or Whitehall but , increasingly , and particularly during the period of office of the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) , in No. 10 Downing street .
24 His home in Majorca had been built not only for his own retirement but as somewhere to provide temporary refuge for disadvantaged children .
25 This distinction had been blurred not only by officers ' participation in the committees but by the Pflimlin government 's delegation of supreme civilian authority to the Commander-in-Chief , General Salan .
26 When she had won the Coronation Cup a wart was beginning to grow on her belly , and this had been lanced not long before the Gold Cup .
27 Following its defeats in municipal elections and in elections to the House of Councillors in July 1989 [ see pp. 36800-01 ] , the LDP had embarked upon a programme aimed at reasserting and regaining the political influence which had been damaged not only by the scandals but also by the imposition of an unpopular 3 per cent general consumption tax [ GCT — see p. 36618 , where it is wrongly referred to as a value added tax ] and by the liberalization of import controls in the agricultural sector [ see p. 36800 ] .
28 The Liberal loyalties of the older generation of miners ' officials had been challenged not merely by the idea of independent labour representation but also by the notion of direct action , based on industrial power and leading to a system of " workers ' control " which would supplant parliamentary institutions .
29 As I disentangled myself from the green wool , I had been linked not only to these women beside me , but to those in Canaan and all the other women through the centuries who have wept over the death of the gods of life , of love , and of hope , whom they tried to revive with their tears .
30 By 1988 licences for gold prospecting had been issued not only for Connemara but also in counties Cavan , Kerry , Monaghan , Tipperary and Wicklow .
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