Example sentences of "have been [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The restoration of this historic fighter has been completed right down to the last detail , it carries a complete set of camera ports , although the cameras have not been fitted .
2 The enforcement behaviour of regulatory agencies has been explained most frequently in terms of ‘ capture ’ theory , according to which an agency is co-opted by those it seeks to regulate , incorporating and reflecting their concerns into its decision making in the interests of stability and self-preservation ( e.g. Selznick , 1966 ) .
3 A hoard of 153 silver cups and one gold cup found at Tôd in Upper Egypt may have come originally from Minoan workshops ; the vessels appear to be Middle Minoan IB work , which was produced in Crete between 2000 and 1900 BC , and were found in an Egyptian deposit which has been dated fairly precisely to about 1920 BC .
4 The Po delta has been moving forward irresistibly for aeon upon aeon since late Tertiary times and will presumably , in the course of time , fill the Adriatic with its sediments from the decaying Alps .
5 This note challenges this particular thesis that has been developed most clearly in the writings of Peter Townsend , Alan Walker , and Chris Phillipson , and suggests that concentration on the concept of structured dependency has deflected attention away from more progressive and optimistic views of the economic social status of the elderly in modern Britain .
6 Since there is a preponderance of special libraries and information units in the science and technology subject areas and , in the light of UDC 's consultative revision policies , UDC has been developed most fully in the areas of science and technology .
7 Is not it a disgrace , however , that the concierge service has been developed entirely out of Glasgow district council resources and that no money for it has come from the Scottish Office ?
8 This kind of universalism has been strengthened more recently by the work of Braverman ( 1974 ) who argued that ‘ Taylorism ’ represents the essence of capitalist management , the profoundly anti-democratic invariant to be found within all branches of capitalist production , imposed by the rationality of profit .
9 THE rotation of the Crab pulsar , as measured by pulsed radio and optical emission , has been monitored almost continuously since its discovery in 1968 .
10 The two sexes are not experiencing equal educational opportunity while the only version of the past they are presented with looks almost exclusively at males and has been recorded almost exclusively by males .
11 Less has been done so far in urban Italy .
12 The emphasis which has been placed so far on the curriculum is intentional .
13 The way in which the RMCs have developed has been analysed most interestingly by Nancy Foy in a survey of management education undertaken on behalf of the Foundation of Management Education , itself a body which has put a great deal of effort into stimulating initiatives in management education .
14 Clearly we need to know more , for example , it is reported that the red leafmonkey ( Presbytis rubicunda ) in northern Borneo , like other primates , eats soil , usually from termite mounds , but the soil has been analysed only chemically with no clear-cut conclusions : what about the micro-organisms and their products ?
15 Only eat meat which has been cooked thoroughly right through i.e. brown with no trace of blood or pinkness .
16 That is why the road fund licence , which taxes ownership rather than use , has been increased more rapidly after a period of stagnation .
17 It has been raised often before with me and with my right hon. Friend the Minister for Overseas Development and I am sure that it will be raised again .
18 Also , the inner product unc is unc so that normalising to make unc unity : Note that unc so that A has been raised fairly rapidly to a high power .
19 Despite the blockade , Bougainville has been managing quite well as a self-proclaimed independent country .
20 As we shall see , this is a point which has been made most forcefully by recent feminist writing .
21 Little mention has been made so far of those elements of material forms which relate to each other in an ordered fashion , and which may thereby influence the manner in which they are utilized in constituting cultural patterns or acting as systems of meaning .
22 No use has been made so far of the dynamical equation .
23 Some limited progress has been made relatively recently in linking up the analysis of corporate strategy and some of the behavioural insights of strategy formulation and implementation ( see Quinn , Mintzberg and James , 1988 , for a text which refers to many of these ideas but which presents little in the way of synthesis ) , but not much has yet been done to tie that in with financial management .
24 Administering drugs by inunction ( through the skin ) has been made safer recently with the introduction of a measured dose .
25 An application has been made once more for July 13 and 14 , but the key factor is the meeting at Killarney which normally clashes with the Maze festival .
26 The point has been made more generally by Eldridge in his historical survey of workers ' resistance ( 1971 , pp.45–64 ) .
27 ‘ If geography is to play a full role in the study of environmental problems it is important that greater stress be given to the biosphere , which constitutes a vital resource base for man , and which has been altered more extensively by human activities than most other elements of the environment . ’
28 All but one of the seventeen MPs mentioned in the preceding three paragraphs had attended Eton , but the proportion of Etonians on the Conservative benches has been dropping steadily ever since the end of the Second World War .
29 Piper , 26 , has been beaten only once in his 18-fight career , when he strayed 7lb above the super-middleweight limit and conceded an additional 10lb to Manchester 's Karl Thompson , who has since won the British cruiserweight title .
30 This idea of the diversified , fully funded scheme ( that is , run to match assets with present and future pension liabilities ) has been applied most widely in America and Britain , where its principles have been written into law ; it has also spread into Japan but scarcely at all into Germany , where company pension reserves frequently remain invested in the firm 's own shares .
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