Example sentences of "have been [verb] [adj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Board director Colin Hargrave , who joined Alexon 18 months ago as retail development director , has been made redundant along with trading director Nick Wastnage .
2 I emphasise to the House that that has been made clear both in the speech of my right hon. Friend to the council of the Royal College of General Practitioners and in the management advice document issued by the management executive .
3 Regularly , at least one day a week , he goes to one of a few chosen locations to shoot a roll of film and has been doing this now for several years and so has built up a record of places such as Trafalgar Square , Westminster Bridge and the South Bank in London .
4 Regularly , a least one day a week , he goes to one of a few chosen locations to shoot a roll of film and has been doing this now for several years and so has built up a record of places such as Trafalgar Square , Westminster Bridge and the South Bank in London .
5 Let's hope he or she cares about you enough to say , ‘ You know you should have called me earlier-you must have been holding this in for days ! ’
6 I 'm sure that er I 'm not in an unusual position er having been made redundant twice on the trot .
7 One solution adopted by Iran appears to have been to send crude off to Aden or other refining centres abroad like Singapore and Italy for processing into products to be sent back to Iran and discharged at storage facilities available at terminals on Gulf islands like Lavan .
8 It was as if his confidence , like a target decoy , had been blown clean out of the water .
9 A woman — your mother — had been flung clear on to the soft shoulder .
10 Then , hoping he could remember enough of the ancient language of chivalry and selecting his words with extreme care , he said , ‘ Good Trees , we ask your assistance , ’ and saw the Elms nod to one another meaningfully , as if they had been expecting all along to be asked to do something for the Humans .
11 However , contrary to the rig 's operating manual , the centre ballast tanks had been kept full instead of empty , resulting in a ‘ condition in which a 10–15 o list could develop rapidly ’ , the board said .
12 Bathing , which before leaving London had been deemed suitable only for the lower classes , suddenly seemed a most adventurous and desirable way of spending an afternoon .
13 Flushed with the success of Operation Goldenrod , in late summer , Hurley and his CIA colleagues lent Sami Jafaar and other members of his clan to the DEA office in Bern , Switzerland , for Operation Polar Cap , aimed at closing down an arms/drugs-dealing business run by Arman Jirayer Haser , a CIA asset and long-time associate of the Syrian cartel , who had been making millions out of secret American arms shipments to Iraq .
14 As the slabs had been laid direct on to earth , a layer of hardcore was needed .
15 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
16 She was going on to recall how yesterday she had thought of Vendelin Gajdusek 's being in Prague , when in actual fact , had she known it , he had been sitting right there beside her driving her back to Mariánské Láznë , when he suddenly gave her near heart failure by challenging , out of the blue ‘ I thought you said your name was Fabia ? ’
17 They sat on hard upright chairs in a draughty passage , and all the excitement they had been feeling drained out of them , seeping through the soles of their shoes and vanishing into the linoleum .
18 as two apostles of Jesus said we 've been declared righteous now by his word , the boy of Jesus God 's son
19 We write to them normally within seven days , ask them to read it , clarifying exactly the policy they 've got , give them the option to pull out if they should so wish , and in fairness I have got to say that we 've been doing that now for the last eighteen months .
20 I 've been told that before by a hypnotherapist .
21 About forty helium balloons that materialised from nowhere with this American girl have been wound hard up into the window , and judder maniacally together in the wind .
22 When he used to write music he used to have different tunings for almost every song , but he 's been doing this now for the last five to seven years — the E string tuned down to D. If I have to play guitar on a song where he 's played guitar , I just learn it my way , using traditional tuning . ’
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